English Grammar - Active and Passive Voice

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Understanding Active and Passive Voice in English Grammar

Active and passive voice are two fundamental aspects of English grammar that shape the way sentences are constructed and understood. Mastering these concepts is crucial for effective communication and writing. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to active and passive voice, suitable for learners of all levels in India. We will cover definitions, differences, transformations, and provide numerous examples to ensure clarity.

What is Active Voice?

In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed by the verb. Active voice sentences are usually clear and direct. They follow a straightforward structure: Subject + Verb + Object.


  • Ravi (subject) eats (verb) an apple (object).
  • The teacher (subject) explained (verb) the lesson (object).
  • She (subject) sings (verb) a song (object).


What is Passive Voice?

In passive voice, the subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb. Passive voice sentences can sometimes be less direct or less clear than active voice sentences. They follow the structure: Object + Verb + Subject (optional). The focus is on the action and the object, rather than who is performing the action.


  • An apple (object) is eaten (verb) by Ravi (subject).
  • The lesson (object) was explained (verb) by the teacher (subject).
  • A song (object) is sung (verb) by her (subject).


Key Differences Between Active and Passive Voice

  • Focus: Active voice focuses on the doer of the action, while passive voice focuses on the action itself or the receiver of the action.
  • Clarity and Directness: Active voice is generally more clear and direct. Passive voice can sometimes be used to emphasize the action or to be less direct.
  • Structure: Active voice follows a Subject-Verb-Object structure, while passive voice often follows an Object-Verb-Subject structure.

Transforming Active Voice to Passive Voice

To convert a sentence from active voice to passive voice, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the subject, verb, and object in the active voice sentence.
  2. Move the object to the subject position.
  3. Change the verb form to the appropriate passive form (usually a form of “to be” + past participle).
  4. Move the subject to the object position (if necessary), preceded by “by”.

Example Transformation:

  • Active: The chef (subject) cooks (verb) the meal (object).
  • Passive: The meal (object) is cooked (verb) by the chef (subject).

Passive Voice with Different Tenses

Present Simple:

  • Active: She writes a letter.
  • Passive: A letter is written by her.

Past Simple:

  • Active: He painted the house.
  • Passive: The house was painted by him.

Future Simple:

  • Active: They will build a bridge.
  • Passive: A bridge will be built by them.

Present Continuous:

  • Active: She is reading a book.
  • Passive: A book is being read by her.

Past Continuous:

  • Active: He was repairing the car.
  • Passive: The car was being repaired by him.

Present Perfect:

  • Active: They have completed the project.
  • Passive: The project has been completed by them.

Past Perfect:

  • Active: She had written the report.
  • Passive: The report had been written by her.

Future Perfect:

  • Active: They will have finished the work.
  • Passive: The work will have been finished by them.

When to Use Passive Voice

While active voice is generally preferred for its clarity and directness, there are situations where passive voice is more appropriate:

  1. When the doer is unknown:

    • The window was broken. (We don’t know who broke it.)
  2. When the doer is unimportant:

    • The road is being repaired. (The focus is on the repair, not who is doing it.)
  3. To emphasize the action or the receiver of the action:

    • The novel was written by a famous author. (Emphasis on the novel.)
  4. In scientific or technical writing:

    • The experiment was conducted in a controlled environment. (Focus on the experiment.)


Practice Exercises

Convert the following active voice sentences into passive voice:

  1. Active: The manager approved the budget.

    • Passive: The budget was approved by the manager.
  2. Active: The children are playing games.

    • Passive: Games are being played by the children.
  3. Active: They will announce the results tomorrow.

    • Passive: The results will be announced by them tomorrow.
  4. Active: Someone has cleaned the room.

    • Passive: The room has been cleaned.
  5. Active: The teacher will check the assignments.

    • Passive: The assignments will be checked by the teacher.


Understanding the differences between active and passive voice, and knowing when to use each, is crucial for effective communication. While active voice is generally preferred for its clarity and directness, passive voice has its place in emphasizing actions or when the doer is unknown or unimportant. With practice and awareness, you can master the use of both voices to enhance your writing and communication skills.

Sample sentences with Active & Passive voices highlighted:

Here are 10 easy sentences with the active and passive voice highlighted at the end of each sentence.

  1. The cat (subject) chased (verb) the mouse (object).

    • Active Voice: The cat chased the mouse. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The mouse was chased by the cat. (Passive)
  2. The chef (subject) cooked (verb) the meal (object).

    • Active Voice: The chef cooked the meal. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The meal was cooked by the chef. (Passive)
  3. The teacher (subject) taught (verb) the lesson (object).

    • Active Voice: The teacher taught the lesson. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The lesson was taught by the teacher. (Passive)
  4. The gardener (subject) watered (verb) the plants (object).

    • Active Voice: The gardener watered the plants. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The plants were watered by the gardener. (Passive)
  5. The author (subject) wrote (verb) a book (object).

    • Active Voice: The author wrote a book. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: A book was written by the author. (Passive)
  6. The police (subject) caught (verb) the thief (object).

    • Active Voice: The police caught the thief. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The thief was caught by the police. (Passive)
  7. The artist (subject) painted (verb) the picture (object).

    • Active Voice: The artist painted the picture. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The picture was painted by the artist. (Passive)
  8. The dog (subject) bit (verb) the postman (object).

    • Active Voice: The dog bit the postman. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The postman was bitten by the dog. (Passive)
  9. The engineer (subject) designed (verb) the bridge (object).

    • Active Voice: The engineer designed the bridge. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The bridge was designed by the engineer. (Passive)
  10. The singer (subject) sang (verb) a song (object).

    • Active Voice: The singer sang a song. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: A song was sung by the singer. (Passive)

Sample advanced sentences with Active & Passive voices highlighted:

Here are 10 advanced complex sentences with the active and passive voice highlighted at the end of each sentence.

  1. The scientist (subject) who conducted (verb) the research (object) published (verb) the findings (object) in a renowned journal.

    • Active Voice: The scientist who conducted the research published the findings in a renowned journal. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The findings were published by the scientist who conducted the research in a renowned journal. (Passive)
  2. The committee (subject) will review (verb) the applications (object) and announce (verb) the selected candidates (object) next month.

    • Active Voice: The committee will review the applications and announce the selected candidates next month. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The applications will be reviewed and the selected candidates will be announced by the committee next month. (Passive)
  3. Although the team (subject) had prepared (verb) the presentation (object) thoroughly, unforeseen technical issues (subject) delayed (verb) the start (object).

    • Active Voice: Although the team had prepared the presentation thoroughly, unforeseen technical issues delayed the start. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: Although the presentation had been prepared thoroughly by the team, the start was delayed by unforeseen technical issues. (Passive)
  4. The artist (subject) whose work (object) was exhibited (verb) in the gallery (object) received (verb) rave reviews (object) from critics.

    • Active Voice: The artist whose work was exhibited in the gallery received rave reviews from critics. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The work that was exhibited in the gallery by the artist received rave reviews from critics. (Passive)
  5. By the time the company (subject) realized (verb) the mistake (object), significant damage (object) had already been done (verb).

    • Active Voice: By the time the company realized the mistake, significant damage had already been done. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: By the time the mistake was realized by the company, significant damage had already been done. (Passive)
  6. The project manager (subject) who was assigned (verb) the task (object) ensured (verb) that all deadlines (object) were met (verb) on time.

    • Active Voice: The project manager who was assigned the task ensured that all deadlines were met on time. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The task was assigned to the project manager who ensured that all deadlines were met on time. (Passive)
  7. While the engineers (subject) were designing (verb) the new system (object), they discovered (verb) several critical flaws (object) in the old one.

    • Active Voice: While the engineers were designing the new system, they discovered several critical flaws in the old one. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: While the new system was being designed by the engineers, several critical flaws were discovered in the old one. (Passive)
  8. Despite the fact that the proposal (object) was initially rejected (verb) by the board (subject), it was eventually approved (verb) after revisions (object) were made (verb).

    • Active Voice: Despite the fact that the board initially rejected the proposal, it was eventually approved after revisions were made. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: Despite the proposal being initially rejected by the board, it was eventually approved after revisions were made. (Passive)
  9. The novel (object), which the author (subject) had spent (verb) years writing (verb), was finally published (verb) to critical acclaim (object).

    • Active Voice: The author spent years writing the novel, which was finally published to critical acclaim. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: The novel, which had been spent years writing by the author, was finally published to critical acclaim. (Passive)
  10. The volunteers (subject) who organized (verb) the event (object) raised (verb) a significant amount of money (object) for charity.

    • Active Voice: The volunteers who organized the event raised a significant amount of money for charity. (Active)
    • Passive Voice: A significant amount of money was raised for charity by the volunteers who organized the event. (Passive)

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Active & Passive Voice - EASY

Here are 10 easy quiz questions on active and passive voice, each with four answer options and the correct answer provided.

  1. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The dog chased the cat.
    b) The cat was chased by the dog.
    c) The cat chased the dog.
    d) The dog was chasing the cat.

    • Correct Answer: b) The cat was chased by the dog.
  2. Convert the active sentence “She sings a song” to passive voice: a) A song is sung by her.
    b) A song was sung by her.
    c) A song will be sung by her.
    d) A song is singing by her.

    • Correct Answer: a) A song is sung by her.
  3. Which of the following sentences is in active voice? a) The cake was eaten by the children.
    b) The children eat the cake.
    c) The cake is eaten by the children.
    d) The cake was being eaten by the children.

    • Correct Answer: b) The children eat the cake.
  4. Convert the active sentence “He will finish the work” to passive voice: a) The work will finish by him.
    b) The work will be finished by him.
    c) The work is finished by him.
    d) The work was finished by him.

    • Correct Answer: b) The work will be finished by him.
  5. Identify the active voice sentence: a) The book was written by the author.
    b) The author writes the book.
    c) The book is being written by the author.
    d) The book will be written by the author.

    • Correct Answer: b) The author writes the book.
  6. Convert the passive sentence “The homework was completed by the student” to active voice: a) The student completes the homework.
    b) The student completed the homework.
    c) The homework completes the student.
    d) The homework is completing the student.

    • Correct Answer: b) The student completed the homework.
  7. Which sentence is in passive voice? a) The chef prepares the meal.
    b) The meal is being prepared by the chef.
    c) The chef is preparing the meal.
    d) The chef prepared the meal.

    • Correct Answer: b) The meal is being prepared by the chef.
  8. Convert the active sentence “They are building a new school” to passive voice: a) A new school is being built by them.
    b) A new school was being built by them.
    c) A new school is built by them.
    d) A new school will be built by them.

    • Correct Answer: a) A new school is being built by them.
  9. Identify the active voice sentence: a) The car is being driven by John.
    b) John drives the car.
    c) The car was driven by John.
    d) The car is driven by John.

    • Correct Answer: b) John drives the car.
  10. Convert the passive sentence “The letter was written by Sarah” to active voice: a) Sarah writes the letter.
    b) Sarah wrote the letter.
    c) The letter writes Sarah.
    d) The letter is written by Sarah.

    • Correct Answer: b) Sarah wrote the letter.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Active & Passive Voice - MEDIUM

Here are 10 medium difficulty quiz questions on active and passive voice, each with four answer options and the correct answer provided.

  1. Convert the active sentence “The manager is reviewing the report” to passive voice: a) The report is reviewed by the manager.
    b) The report was reviewed by the manager.
    c) The report is being reviewed by the manager.
    d) The report has been reviewed by the manager.

    • Correct Answer: c) The report is being reviewed by the manager.
  2. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The committee will announce the decision tomorrow.
    b) The decision was announced by the committee.
    c) The committee announced the decision yesterday.
    d) The decision will be announced by the committee tomorrow.

    • Correct Answer: d) The decision will be announced by the committee tomorrow.
  3. Convert the passive sentence “The essay was written by the student in one night” to active voice: a) The student writes the essay in one night.
    b) The student was writing the essay in one night.
    c) The student wrote the essay in one night.
    d) The student has written the essay in one night.

    • Correct Answer: c) The student wrote the essay in one night.
  4. Which of the following sentences is in active voice? a) The house had been painted by the workers.
    b) The workers had painted the house.
    c) The house was being painted by the workers.
    d) The house will be painted by the workers.

    • Correct Answer: b) The workers had painted the house.
  5. Convert the active sentence “They have postponed the meeting” to passive voice: a) The meeting has been postponed by them.
    b) The meeting was postponed by them.
    c) The meeting is postponed by them.
    d) The meeting has postponed by them.

    • Correct Answer: a) The meeting has been postponed by them.
  6. Identify the active voice sentence: a) The cake was being decorated by the chef.
    b) The chef decorated the cake.
    c) The cake had been decorated by the chef.
    d) The cake was decorated by the chef.

    • Correct Answer: b) The chef decorated the cake.
  7. Convert the passive sentence “A beautiful song was sung by the choir” to active voice: a) The choir sings a beautiful song.
    b) The choir sang a beautiful song.
    c) The choir has sung a beautiful song.
    d) The choir is singing a beautiful song.

    • Correct Answer: b) The choir sang a beautiful song.
  8. Which sentence is in passive voice? a) The teacher will give a test tomorrow.
    b) The students are taking the test.
    c) The test is being given by the teacher.
    d) The teacher gave a test yesterday.

    • Correct Answer: c) The test is being given by the teacher.
  9. Convert the active sentence “He had completed the assignment before the deadline” to passive voice: a) The assignment had been completed by him before the deadline.
    b) The assignment has been completed by him before the deadline.
    c) The assignment is completed by him before the deadline.
    d) The assignment was completed by him before the deadline.

    • Correct Answer: a) The assignment had been completed by him before the deadline.
  10. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The engineer designed the new bridge.
    b) The new bridge is designed by the engineer.
    c) The new bridge was designed by the engineer.
    d) The engineer was designing the new bridge.

    • Correct Answer: c) The new bridge was designed by the engineer.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Active & Passive Voice - ADVANCED

Here are 10 advanced quiz questions on active and passive voice, each with four answer options and the correct answer provided.

  1. Convert the active sentence “Researchers are studying the effects of climate change on coral reefs” to passive voice: a) The effects of climate change on coral reefs are studied by researchers.
    b) The effects of climate change on coral reefs are being studied by researchers.
    c) The effects of climate change on coral reefs have been studied by researchers.
    d) The effects of climate change on coral reefs will be studied by researchers.

    • Correct Answer: b) The effects of climate change on coral reefs are being studied by researchers.
  2. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The board has approved the new policy after much debate.
    b) The new policy has been approved by the board after much debate.
    c) The board will approve the new policy after much debate.
    d) The new policy will be approved by the board after much debate.

    • Correct Answer: b) The new policy has been approved by the board after much debate.
  3. Convert the passive sentence “The manuscript had been reviewed by several experts before publication” to active voice: a) Several experts reviewed the manuscript before publication.
    b) Several experts had reviewed the manuscript before publication.
    c) Several experts have reviewed the manuscript before publication.
    d) Several experts are reviewing the manuscript before publication.

    • Correct Answer: b) Several experts had reviewed the manuscript before publication.
  4. Which of the following sentences is in active voice? a) The final report is being prepared by the team.
    b) The team is preparing the final report.
    c) The final report had been prepared by the team.
    d) The final report was prepared by the team.

    • Correct Answer: b) The team is preparing the final report.
  5. Convert the active sentence “They will have completed the project by the end of the month” to passive voice: a) The project will have been completed by the end of the month.
    b) The project will be completed by the end of the month.
    c) The project is being completed by the end of the month.
    d) The project has been completed by the end of the month.

    • Correct Answer: a) The project will have been completed by the end of the month.
  6. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The committee presented the findings during the conference.
    b) The findings were presented by the committee during the conference.
    c) The committee has presented the findings during the conference.
    d) The committee was presenting the findings during the conference.

    • Correct Answer: b) The findings were presented by the committee during the conference.
  7. Convert the passive sentence “A comprehensive analysis was conducted by the research team” to active voice: a) The research team conducts a comprehensive analysis.
    b) The research team had conducted a comprehensive analysis.
    c) The research team was conducting a comprehensive analysis.
    d) The research team conducted a comprehensive analysis.

    • Correct Answer: d) The research team conducted a comprehensive analysis.
  8. Which sentence is in passive voice? a) The teacher assigned the homework after the lecture.
    b) The homework is assigned by the teacher after the lecture.
    c) The homework was assigned by the teacher after the lecture.
    d) The teacher has assigned the homework after the lecture.

    • Correct Answer: c) The homework was assigned by the teacher after the lecture.
  9. Convert the active sentence “By the time we arrived, they had already started the meeting” to passive voice: a) The meeting had already been started by the time we arrived.
    b) The meeting has already been started by the time we arrived.
    c) The meeting was already started by the time we arrived.
    d) The meeting is already started by the time we arrived.

    • Correct Answer: a) The meeting had already been started by the time we arrived.
  10. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The company will launch the new product next quarter.
    b) The new product is being launched by the company next quarter.
    c) The new product will be launched by the company next quarter.
    d) The company has launched the new product next quarter.

    • Correct Answer: c) The new product will be launched by the company next quarter.