single digit addition

Practice quick and simple single-digit addition with new random questions every time you take the quiz!

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1 / 10

1) 6 + ____ = 8

2 / 10

2) 3 + 7 = ____

3 / 10

3) 5 + 6 + ____ = 12

4 / 10

4) 3 + 6 = ____

5 / 10

5) ____ + 8 = 12

6 / 10

6) ____ + 6 = 9

7 / 10

7) 9 + 5 = ____

8 / 10

8) 7 + 3 = ____

9 / 10

9) ____ + 6 = 12

10 / 10

10) 8 + 3 = ____

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