Class 2 Science Olympiad Mock Test

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QUIZ 2: Class 2 Science Olympiad

Total Questions: 12  -  Total Time: 20 Mins

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1 / 12

1. Which body part moves while playing football?

2 / 12

2. Which activity is mainly performed by the body part that includes the elbow, wrist, and fingers?

3 / 12

1. Which of the following is a transparent object?

4 / 12

1. On which day does the President of India typically give a speech to the nation?

5 / 12

1. Which animal likely left this footprint?

6 / 12

2. What type of animals are these?

7 / 12

1. Which of the following is an INCORRECT match?

8 / 12

1. Who can fix the item shown in the image?

9 / 12

1. Which of the following is the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation?

10 / 12

1. What is the shape of the Earth?

11 / 12

2. Fill in the blank:

The length of a year depends on _____________________________.


12 / 12

1. Which example is incorrect placed in the following food chart of types of food?

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