Class 1 Science Olympiad Mock Test

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QUIZ 2: Class 1 Science Olympiad

Total Questions: 12  -  Total Time: 16 Mins

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1 / 12

1. See the image and choose the correct answer:

Which of these is a flesh eating bird?

2 / 12

2. Multiple Choice: Select the domestic animals from the given options.

3 / 12

1. Which of these actions can help keep our environment clean?

4 / 12

2. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the following statements and choose which of them are good habits:

5 / 12

3. What should you do when you hear a fire alarm in School?

6 / 12

1. Practical Science: Which of the following materials will sink in water?

7 / 12

2. Practical Science: What happens to ice when it is left out in the sun?

8 / 12

1. Which of the following is a source of light?

9 / 12

1. See the image and choose the correct answer:

Which out of the following is a fruit?

10 / 12

2. Practical Science: What part of the plant is responsible for making food?

11 / 12

3. Trees are used in ______.

12 / 12

1. Which of the following objects will dissolve in water?

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