English Grammar Quiz - Verbs

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English Grammar - Verbs - Easy

10 Questions  ⦿  10 Minutes

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1 / 10

1. Choose the verb that best completes the sentence:

"Ravi ____ helping his mother in the kitchen."

2 / 10

2. Multiple Choice:

Which of the following sentences has a linking verb?

3 / 10

3. Fill in the blank with the correct verb form:

"The guests ____ arrived at the party."

4 / 10

4. True or False:

'Were' is a verb.

5 / 10

5. Multiple Choice:

What is the verb in the sentence: "She dances gracefully"?

6 / 10

6. Choose the verb that best completes the sentence:

"The children ____ playing cricket in the park."

7 / 10

7. True or False:

"Is" is a verb.

8 / 10

8. Identify the verb in the following sentence:

"Farmers grow rice in many parts of India."

9 / 10

9. Which of these is not a verb?

10 / 10

10. Which option lists only verbs?

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English Grammar - Verbs

Table of Contents

Verbs for Beginners.

Introduction to Verbs

Verbs are one of the most essential parts of speech in English grammar. They are words that express actions, occurrences, or states of being. In simple terms, verbs tell us what the subject of a sentence is doing or what is happening.

In the context of the Indian subcontinent, learning English verbs can be easier if we relate them to actions and events in our daily lives. Let’s dive into the world of verbs with a step-by-step guide and examples.

Types of Verbs

  • Action Verbs: These verbs express physical or mental actions.

    • Examples: run, jump, think, eat.
    • Sentences:
      • She runs every morning.
      • He thinks about his future.
  • Linking Verbs: These verbs connect the subject with more information about the subject.

    • Examples: is, am, are, was, were, seem, become.
    • Sentences:
      • She is a teacher.
      • They were happy.
  • Helping Verbs (Auxiliary Verbs): These verbs help the main verb in a sentence by extending its meaning.

    • Examples: is, am, are, was, were, do, does, did, have, has, had, will, shall, can, could, may, might.
    • Sentences:
      • She is reading a book.
      • They have finished their homework.

Verb Forms

Verbs have different forms to indicate different times (tenses) and aspects. Understanding these forms is crucial for correct grammar.

  1. Base Form: The basic form of the verb.

    • Example: eat, go, read.
    • Sentence: I eat an apple every day.
  2. Past Form: Indicates an action that happened in the past.

    • Regular verbs: Add -ed (play → played).
    • Irregular verbs: Change form (go → went).
    • Sentence: She played the piano yesterday.
  3. Past Participle: Used in perfect tenses and passive voice.

    • Regular verbs: Same as past form (played).
    • Irregular verbs: Varies (go → gone).
    • Sentence: They have gone to the market.
  4. Present Participle: Ends in -ing and is used in continuous tenses.

    • Example: eating, going, reading.
    • Sentence: She is eating an apple.


Tenses and Verb Conjugation

Tenses indicate the time of action. English has three main tenses: Present, Past, and Future. Each tense has four aspects: Simple, Continuous, Perfect, and Perfect Continuous.

  1. Present Tense

    • Simple Present: Describes habitual actions or general truths.
      • Example: He plays cricket.
    • Present Continuous: Describes actions happening right now.
      • Example: He is playing cricket.
    • Present Perfect: Describes actions completed at an unspecified time before now.
      • Example: He has played cricket.
    • Present Perfect Continuous: Describes actions that started in the past and continue to the present.
      • Example: He has been playing cricket for two hours.
  2. Past Tense

    • Simple Past: Describes actions that happened at a specific time in the past.
      • Example: He played cricket yesterday.
    • Past Continuous: Describes actions that were happening at a specific time in the past.
      • Example: He was playing cricket at 5 PM.
    • Past Perfect: Describes actions completed before another action in the past.
      • Example: He had played cricket before it started raining.
    • Past Perfect Continuous: Describes actions that were ongoing in the past before another past action.
      • Example: He had been playing cricket for two hours before it started raining.
  3. Future Tense

    • Simple Future: Describes actions that will happen in the future.
      • Example: He will play cricket tomorrow.
    • Future Continuous: Describes actions that will be happening at a specific time in the future.
      • Example: He will be playing cricket at 5 PM tomorrow.
    • Future Perfect: Describes actions that will be completed before a specific time in the future.
      • Example: He will have played cricket by 6 PM tomorrow.
    • Future Perfect Continuous: Describes actions that will be ongoing up until a specific time in the future.
      • Example: He will have been playing cricket for two hours by 6 PM tomorrow.


Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement means the subject and verb in a sentence must match in number (singular or plural).

  • Singular Subjects: Take singular verbs.
    • Example: She runs fast. (Not “She run fast.”)
  • Plural Subjects: Take plural verbs.
    • Example: They run fast. (Not “They runs fast.”)

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Incorrect Tense Usage: Ensure you use the correct verb tense to match the time of action.

    • Incorrect: She is go to school.
    • Correct: She is going to school.
  • Subject-Verb Agreement Errors: Ensure the subject and verb agree in number.

    • Incorrect: The boys plays cricket.
    • Correct: The boys play cricket.
  • Irregular Verbs: Memorize common irregular verbs as they do not follow regular conjugation rules.

    • Example: go → went → gone.

Practice Exercises

  1. Fill in the Blanks:

    • He ___ (play) football every evening.
    • They ___ (go) to the market yesterday.
    • She ___ (be) reading a book now.
  2. Correct the Sentences:

    • The cat drink milk.
    • She have finished her homework.
    • They was playing outside.


Understanding and using verbs correctly is fundamental to mastering English grammar. With practice and attention to the different types, forms, and tenses of verbs, learners can improve their writing and speaking skills. Remember to practice regularly and seek feedback to continue improving.

Happy learning!

Sample Sentences

Here are 10 sentences with the verbs highlighted:

  1. She runs every morning.
  2. They were happy about the news.
  3. He is reading a book.
  4. I eat an apple every day.
  5. She played the piano yesterday.
  6. They have gone to the market.
  7. He is playing cricket.
  8. She has been working for two hours.
  9. He will play cricket tomorrow.
  10. The boys play football in the evening.

In each sentence, the highlighted verbs are the main actions or states of being.

Here are 10 more complex sentences with multiple verbs, with the verbs highlighted:

  1. She was reading a book when the phone rang.
  2. They have been planning this trip for months and finally decided to go next week.
  3. If you finish your homework, we can watch a movie together.
  4. The children were playing in the park when it started to rain.
  5. He has worked at the company for five years but is considering a new job.
  6. By the time we arrived, they had already started the meeting.
  7. She will have finished her project by the time you get home.
  8. While I was cooking, my sister was setting the table.
  9. They have been waiting for the bus for an hour and now are thinking of taking a taxi.
  10. If he had known about the traffic, he would have left earlier.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Verbs - Easy

Answer Keys at the end of the quiz.


  1. Which of the following sentences contains an action verb? a) She is happy.
    b) They are students.
    c) He runs fast.
    d) She seems tired.

  2. Identify the past form of the verb “go”. a) goes
    b) gone
    c) went
    d) going

  3. Which sentence uses a helping verb? a) She cooks dinner.
    b) They have a car.
    c) He is running.
    d) She seems nice.

  4. Choose the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement. a) The boys plays cricket.
    b) The girl play with dolls.
    c) The cat drink milk.
    d) The dog barks loudly.

  5. Identify the present perfect tense. a) She has eaten lunch.
    b) She eats lunch.
    c) She will eat lunch.
    d) She is eating lunch.

  6. Which of the following is a linking verb? a) Run
    b) Jump
    c) Become
    d) Talk

  7. Which sentence is in the future continuous tense? a) She will sing.
    b) She is singing.
    c) She will be singing.
    d) She sings.

  8. Identify the verb in the sentence: “He had finished his homework before dinner.” a) He
    b) Homework
    c) Finished
    d) Dinner

  9. Choose the correct past perfect tense sentence. a) She had play the piano.
    b) She has played the piano.
    c) She had played the piano.
    d) She plays the piano.

  10. Which sentence uses an irregular verb in the past form? a) She played soccer.
    b) They jumped high.
    c) He wrote a letter.
    d) We watched a movie.


  1. c) He runs fast.
  2. c) went
  3. c) He is running.
  4. d) The dog barks loudly.
  5. a) She has eaten lunch.
  6. c) Become
  7. c) She will be singing.
  8. c) Finished
  9. c) She had played the piano.
  10. c) He wrote a letter.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Verbs - Medium Difficulty

Medium Difficulty Verb Quiz


  1. Which sentence correctly uses the past continuous tense? a) They have been running.
    b) They were running.
    c) They run.
    d) They will run.

  2. Identify the sentence with a transitive verb. a) She sleeps soundly.
    b) He runs fast.
    c) They admire her courage.
    d) The sun rises.

  3. Which sentence uses a modal verb? a) She might go to the party.
    b) She is going to the party.
    c) She went to the party.
    d) She goes to the party.

  4. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: “By the time he arrives, we ___ dinner.” a) finished
    b) are finishing
    c) will have finished
    d) finish

  5. Identify the phrasal verb in the sentence: “She looks forward to meeting her friends.” a) looks
    b) forward
    c) looks forward
    d) meeting

  6. Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice? a) The chef cooked a delicious meal.
    b) A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.
    c) The chef is cooking a delicious meal.
    d) The chef will cook a delicious meal.

  7. Choose the correct sentence with a correct verb form: a) She has went to the market.
    b) She have gone to the market.
    c) She has gone to the market.
    d) She has going to the market.

  8. Identify the verb form used in the sentence: “Having finished the project, they went out to celebrate.” a) Simple past
    b) Present participle
    c) Past participle
    d) Present perfect

  9. Which sentence uses a verb in the subjunctive mood? a) If he was here, he would know what to do.
    b) If he were here, he would know what to do.
    c) He is here, so he knows what to do.
    d) He will be here, so he will know what to do.

  10. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence: “She suggested that he ___ the meeting early.” a) leave
    b) leaves
    c) left
    d) leaving


  1. b) They were running.
  2. c) They admire her courage.
  3. a) She might go to the party.
  4. c) will have finished
  5. c) looks forward
  6. b) A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.
  7. c) She has gone to the market.
  8. b) Present participle
  9. b) If he were here, he would know what to do.
  10. a) leave

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Verbs - Advanced

Advanced Verb Quiz


  1. Identify the sentence with a gerund acting as the subject. a) Running is a good exercise.
    b) She likes running.
    c) They are running fast.
    d) He has been running for an hour.

  2. Which sentence uses the correct form of the verb in a conditional sentence (Type 3)? a) If she had studied harder, she would pass the exam.
    b) If she studied harder, she would have passed the exam.
    c) If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.
    d) If she studies harder, she will pass the exam.

  3. Choose the sentence with a verb in the infinitive form. a) She enjoys reading books.
    b) She wants to read books.
    c) She is reading a book.
    d) She has read many books.

  4. Identify the sentence using a verb in the future perfect continuous tense. a) By next year, she will have been working here for five years.
    b) By next year, she will work here for five years.
    c) By next year, she is working here for five years.
    d) By next year, she will be working here for five years.

  5. Which sentence contains a verb in the passive voice in the future tense? a) The project will be completed by next week.
    b) The project is completed by next week.
    c) The project was completed by next week.
    d) The project has been completed by next week.

  6. Choose the correct sentence that uses the correct form of the verb in the subjunctive mood. a) It is important that he attends the meeting.
    b) It is important that he attending the meeting.
    c) It is important that he attend the meeting.
    d) It is important that he attended the meeting.

  7. Identify the correct use of a verb in the perfect infinitive form. a) She is happy to finish the work.
    b) She is happy to have finished the work.
    c) She is happy to be finishing the work.
    d) She is happy to finished the work.

  8. Which sentence contains a verb in the past perfect continuous tense? a) They had been playing for hours before it started raining.
    b) They had played for hours before it started raining.
    c) They were playing for hours before it started raining.
    d) They have been playing for hours before it started raining.

  9. Choose the sentence that correctly uses a modal verb to indicate a past possibility. a) She may have missed the bus.
    b) She will have missed the bus.
    c) She must missed the bus.
    d) She can missed the bus.

  10. Identify the sentence with a verb in the active voice in the present perfect tense. a) The homework has been done by the students.
    b) The students have done the homework.
    c) The homework was done by the students.
    d) The students were doing the homework.


  1. a) Running is a good exercise.
  2. c) If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.
  3. b) She wants to read books.
  4. a) By next year, she will have been working here for five years.
  5. a) The project will be completed by next week.
  6. c) It is important that he attend the meeting.
  7. b) She is happy to have finished the work.
  8. a) They had been playing for hours before it started raining.
  9. a) She may have missed the bus.
  10. b) The students have done the homework.