English Grammar Quiz - Pronouns

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English Grammar - Pronouns

Table of Contents

Pronouns in English Grammar: A Definitive Guide.

Pronouns are essential components of English grammar, serving as substitutes for nouns to avoid redundancy and make sentences more fluid and concise. Understanding pronouns is crucial for effective communication as they help us speak and write more naturally. Pronouns can refer to people, places, things, or ideas without repeating the same nouns, making our language more efficient and dynamic. This guide will introduce you to the various types of pronouns, explain their functions, and provide numerous examples to illustrate their use. By mastering pronouns, you’ll enhance your ability to construct clear and engaging sentences, a vital skill for any English learner.

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns refer to specific people or things. They are categorized based on:

  • Number (singular or plural)
  • Person (first, second, or third person)
  • Case (subjective, objective, or possessive)


  • Subjective Case: I, you, he, she, it, we, they

    • I am a student.
    • You are my friend.
    • He is a teacher.
    • She loves ice cream.
    • It is raining.
    • We are going to the market.
    • They play football.
  • Objective Case: me, you, him, her, it, us, them

    • The teacher called me.
    • I will help you.
    • We saw him at the park.
    • She invited her to the party.
    • They found it interesting.
    • She gave us a gift.
    • I met them yesterday.
  • Possessive Case: my, your, his, her, its, our, their (used as adjectives); mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs (used as pronouns)

    • This is my book. (adjective)
    • This book is mine. (pronoun)
    • Is this your bag? (adjective)
    • This bag is yours. (pronoun)
    • That is his car. (adjective)
    • The car is his. (pronoun)
    • Her dress is beautiful. (adjective)
    • The dress is hers. (pronoun)
    • The dog wagged its tail. (adjective)
    • Its is the small one. (pronoun)
    • Our team won. (adjective)
    • The victory is ours. (pronoun)
    • Their house is big. (adjective)
    • The house is theirs. (pronoun)


Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of the sentence are the same person or thing. They end in “-self” (singular) or “-selves” (plural).


  • I made myself a sandwich.
  • She taught herself to play the piano.
  • He injured himself during the game.
  • The cat cleaned itself.
  • We enjoyed ourselves at the party.
  • They introduced themselves to the new neighbors.

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns point to specific things. They are: this, that, these, those.


  • This is my pen. (near and singular)
  • That is your book. (far and singular)
  • These are my friends. (near and plural)
  • Those are your shoes. (far and plural)

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. They are: who, whom, whose, which, what.


  • Who is at the door?
  • Whom did you call?
  • Whose is this pencil?
  • Which is your car?
  • What is your name?

Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses and connect them to the main clause. They are: who, whom, whose, which, that.


  • The man who called is my uncle.
  • The girl whom you met is my sister.
  • The book whose cover is red is mine.
  • The car which is parked outside is mine.
  • The house that we bought is beautiful.

Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns refer to non-specific people or things. Some common ones are: anyone, everyone, someone, no one, none, each, few, many, some, all.


  • Everyone is welcome to the party.
  • Someone left their bag here.
  • No one knows the answer.
  • None of the students were late.
  • Each of the players has a role.
  • Few were chosen for the team.
  • Many are called, but few are chosen.
  • Some of the apples are rotten.
  • All of the cookies were eaten.

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns show ownership or possession. They are: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.


  • The book is mine.
  • Is this pen yours?
  • That car is his.
  • This house is hers.
  • The decision is its.
  • The victory is ours.
  • The responsibility is theirs.

Practice Exercise

  1. Replace the nouns in the sentences with appropriate pronouns:
    • John and Mary went to the market.
    • The cat is sleeping on the couch.
    • My friends and I are going to the movies.
    • The teacher gave the students their assignments.
    • The cake is delicious.


  1. They went to the market.
  2. It is sleeping on the couch.
  3. We are going to the movies.
  4. The teacher gave them their assignments.
  5. It is delicious.

Understanding and using pronouns correctly is essential for clear and concise communication in English. With practice, you’ll become more comfortable using them in your sentences.

Sample Sentences with Pronouns highlighted

Here are 10 easy sentences with the pronouns highlighted:

  1. She is reading a book.
  2. They went to the park.
  3. He likes to play football.
  4. We are going to the market.
  5. It is raining outside.
  6. You should try this cake.
  7. I am learning English.
  8. This is my favorite movie.
  9. That is a beautiful painting.
  10. These are my friends.

Each sentence uses a different pronoun to help illustrate their various uses.

Complex sentences with multiple Pronouns highlighted

Here are 10 complex sentences with multiple pronouns highlighted:

  1. She told him that she would help him with his homework.
  2. They invited us to their party, but we couldn’t attend because we had other plans.
  3. When I saw them, they were discussing something that he had mentioned earlier.
  4. We gave her the book that she needed for her project.
  5. He didn’t know that it was her who had called him earlier.
  6. She asked him if he could lend her his notes for the class.
  7. They told me that I could join them if I finished my work.
  8. You should ask her where she bought it because I also want one.
  9. He promised us that we would get our turn to speak after they finished.
  10. We were happy to see them because they brought us gifts from their trip.

Sample Quiz on Pronouns in English Grammar - Easy

Here are 10 easy quiz questions on pronouns with 4 answer options each and the correct answer provided:

  1. Which pronoun would replace the noun in the sentence: “John is my friend.”?

    • a) He
    • b) She
    • c) They
    • d) It
    • Correct Answer: a) He
  2. Which pronoun would replace the noun in the sentence: “The cake is delicious.”?

    • a) He
    • b) She
    • c) It
    • d) They
    • Correct Answer: c) It
  3. Which pronoun would you use for: “Mary and I went to the store.”?

    • a) They
    • b) She
    • c) We
    • d) Him
    • Correct Answer: c) We
  4. Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence: “The dog wagged ___ tail.”?

    • a) his
    • b) her
    • c) their
    • d) its
    • Correct Answer: d) its
  5. Choose the correct pronoun: “This book belongs to Sarah. It is ___.”

    • a) his
    • b) her
    • c) hers
    • d) their
    • Correct Answer: c) hers
  6. Identify the correct pronoun: “___ are my favorite shoes.”

    • a) This
    • b) That
    • c) Those
    • d) It
    • Correct Answer: c) Those
  7. Which pronoun should replace the noun in: “The students asked the teacher a question.”?

    • a) He
    • b) She
    • c) They
    • d) It
    • Correct Answer: c) They
  8. Choose the correct pronoun: “The book is on the table. Please hand it to ___.”

    • a) him
    • b) her
    • c) them
    • d) me
    • Correct Answer: d) me
  9. Which pronoun completes the sentence: “My sister and ___ went to the park.”?

    • a) I
    • b) me
    • c) she
    • d) them
    • Correct Answer: a) I
  10. Identify the correct pronoun: “___ is your favorite subject in school?”

    • a) What
    • b) Which
    • c) Who
    • d) Whom
    • Correct Answer: b) Which

Sample Quiz on Pronouns in English Grammar - Intermediate

Here is an intermediate-level quiz on pronouns with 4 answer options each and the correct answer provided:

  1. Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence: “Neither of the boys brought ___ own lunch.”?

    • a) his
    • b) their
    • c) our
    • d) its
    • Correct Answer: a) his
  2. Choose the correct pronoun: “Each of the students has finished ___ homework.”

    • a) his
    • b) their
    • c) our
    • d) its
    • Correct Answer: a) his
  3. Identify the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: “The team played well, but ___ could not win the match.”

    • a) it
    • b) they
    • c) he
    • d) she
    • Correct Answer: b) they
  4. Which pronoun best completes the sentence: “Anyone can do it if ___ tries hard enough.”?

    • a) he
    • b) they
    • c) she
    • d) it
    • Correct Answer: b) they
  5. Choose the correct pronoun: “The teacher gave the students their assignments, and ___ completed them on time.”

    • a) he
    • b) they
    • c) it
    • d) she
    • Correct Answer: b) they
  6. Identify the correct pronoun: “The committee reached ___ decision after a long discussion.”

    • a) their
    • b) his
    • c) her
    • d) its
    • Correct Answer: d) its
  7. Choose the correct pronoun: “I found a wallet on the ground, but I didn’t know ___ owner.”

    • a) his
    • b) her
    • c) its
    • d) their
    • Correct Answer: c) its
  8. Identify the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: “Both of the sisters have finished ___ homework.”

    • a) her
    • b) their
    • c) our
    • d) his
    • Correct Answer: b) their
  9. Which pronoun completes the sentence: “Every student should bring ___ own book.”?

    • a) his
    • b) their
    • c) our
    • d) its
    • Correct Answer: a) his
  10. Choose the correct pronoun: “The book on the table is mine, but the one on the shelf is ___.”

    • a) him
    • b) hers
    • c) their
    • d) his
    • Correct Answer: b) hers

Sample Quiz on Pronouns in English Grammar - Advanced

Here is an advanced-level quiz on pronouns with 4 answer options each and the correct answer provided:

  1. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: “The committee members disagreed among ___ about the best approach.”

    • a) himself
    • b) themselves
    • c) ourselves
    • d) itself
    • Correct Answer: b) themselves
  2. Identify the correct pronoun: “This is the student ___ essay won the first prize.”

    • a) whose
    • b) whom
    • c) which
    • d) who’s
    • Correct Answer: a) whose
  3. Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence: “Neither of the candidates presented ___ plans clearly.”?

    • a) his or her
    • b) their
    • c) its
    • d) his
    • Correct Answer: a) his or her
  4. Choose the correct pronoun: “It is essential that everyone understands ___ role in the project.”

    • a) their
    • b) his
    • c) her
    • d) his or her
    • Correct Answer: d) his or her
  5. Identify the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: “The researcher, along with his team, presented ___ findings at the conference.”

    • a) their
    • b) his
    • c) her
    • d) its
    • Correct Answer: b) his
  6. Which pronoun best completes the sentence: “The jury delivered ___ verdict after several hours of deliberation.”?

    • a) his
    • b) their
    • c) its
    • d) her
    • Correct Answer: c) its
  7. Choose the correct pronoun: “The company, which has its headquarters in New York, announced ___ plans for expansion.”

    • a) their
    • b) its
    • c) his
    • d) her
    • Correct Answer: b) its
  8. Identify the correct pronoun: “Anyone who wishes to participate must submit ___ application by the deadline.”

    • a) their
    • b) his or her
    • c) its
    • d) his
    • Correct Answer: b) his or her
  9. Choose the correct pronoun: “The board of directors will hold ___ annual meeting next month.”

    • a) their
    • b) its
    • c) his
    • d) her
    • Correct Answer: b) its
  10. Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence: “Each of the scientists shared ___ research with the group.”?

    • a) his or her
    • b) their
    • c) its
    • d) his
    • Correct Answer: a) his or her

These questions are designed to challenge advanced learners and test their understanding of pronoun usage in more complex contexts.