English Grammar Quiz - Pronouns

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English Grammar - Pronouns

Table of Contents

Mastering Pronouns: A Comprehensive Guide for Advanced English Learners

Pronouns are essential components of English grammar, allowing us to avoid repetition and make sentences more concise and fluid. As an advanced English learner, a deeper understanding of the various types of pronouns and their usage can significantly enhance your language skills. This guide covers all aspects of pronouns, complete with numerous examples.

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns refer to specific persons or things. They are classified based on:

  • Number: Singular or Plural
  • Person: First person, second person, or third person
  • Case: Subjective, Objective, or Possessive

1.1 Subjective Case

Used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence.

  • Singular: I, you, he, she, it
  • Plural: we, you, they


  • I am going to the market.
  • You should complete your homework.
  • He is a doctor.
  • We are planning a trip.
  • They have arrived.

1.2 Objective Case

Used when the pronoun is the object of the sentence.

  • Singular: me, you, him, her, it
  • Plural: us, you, them


  • The teacher called me.
  • I will help you.
  • She invited him to the party.
  • The book belongs to her.
  • The manager gave us the instructions.
  • We saw them at the concert.

1.3 Possessive Case

Used to show ownership or possession.

  • Singular: my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its
  • Plural: our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs


  • This is my book.
  • The laptop is mine.
  • Is this your pen?
  • The decision is hers.
  • This is our house.
  • The responsibility is theirs.

Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns refer back to the subject of the sentence, whereas intensive pronouns emphasize a noun or another pronoun.

  • Reflexive/Intensive Pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves


  • Reflexive: She taught herself to play the piano.
  • Intensive: I myself finished the project.


Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns point to specific things.

  • Singular: this, that
  • Plural: these, those


  • This is a beautiful painting.
  • That was an incredible performance.
  • These are my friends.
  • Those are her books.

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.

  • who, whom, whose, which, what


  • Who is coming to the party?
  • Whom did you see?
  • Whose book is this?
  • Which is your favorite color?
  • What is your name?

Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses and relate to nouns mentioned previously.

  • who, whom, whose, which, that


  • The student who scored the highest was awarded a scholarship.
  • The teacher whom you met is my uncle.
  • The house which is on the corner is ours.
  • The movie that you recommended was fantastic.

Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns refer to non-specific persons or things.

  • Singular: another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, somebody, someone, something
  • Plural: both, few, many, others, several
  • Singular or Plural (depending on context): all, any, more, most, none, some


  • Singular: Everyone is invited to the meeting.
  • Plural: Many have tried, but few succeeded.
  • Singular/Plural: All of the cake is gone. / All of the students are present.

Reciprocal Pronouns

Reciprocal pronouns indicate a mutual action or relationship.

  • each other, one another


  • The two friends help each other with their homework.
  • The team members respect one another.

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns indicate ownership and replace noun phrases.

  • mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs


  • The book is mine.
  • This pen is yours.
  • The decision is hers.
  • The house is ours.


Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number, gender, and person.


  • Incorrect: Every student must bring their own pencil. (student is singular, their is plural)
  • Correct: Every student must bring his or her own pencil.

Common Mistakes and Tips

Maintain consistency in the use of pronouns to avoid confusion.


  • Inconsistent: If one wants to succeed, you must work hard.
  • Consistent: If one wants to succeed, one must work hard.

10.3 Gender-Neutral Language

Use gender-neutral pronouns where possible to avoid gender bias.


  • Instead of: Each manager should present his report.
  • Use: Each manager should present their report.


Understanding and correctly using pronouns is vital for advanced English learners. This guide provides an exhaustive look at the different types of pronouns, their uses, and common mistakes to avoid. Practice these concepts regularly to enhance your fluency and precision in English.

Sample Sentences with Pronouns (Highlighted) - Easy

Here are 10 easy sentences with the pronouns highlighted:

  1. She is reading a book.
  2. They went to the park.
  3. I will call you later.
  4. He likes to play football.
  5. We are going to the movies.
  6. You should see this movie.
  7. It is raining outside.
  8. They invited us to their party.
  9. She gave me a gift.
  10. We love our new house.

Sample Sentences with Pronouns (Highlighted) - Advanced

Here are 10 complex sentences with multiple pronouns highlighted:

  1. She told him that he needed to finish his homework before he could go out with his friends.
  2. They gave us directions to the place where we would meet them later.
  3. He asked her if she could help him with his project because he was struggling.
  4. I believe they will support us in whatever decision we make, as they have always been there for us.
  5. She found her keys exactly where she had left them, which surprised her.
  6. He and I decided to go on a road trip, and we invited her to join us.
  7. We saw them at the restaurant, and they waved at us as we walked by.
  8. They told me that I could bring my sister if she wanted to come with us.
  9. She called him to remind him about his appointment because he had forgotten about it.
  10. I asked her if she could lend me her book, as I had lost mine.

Sample Quiz on Pronouns in English Grammar - Easy

Here are 10 easy quiz questions on pronouns with four answer options and the correct answer provided after each question:

  1. Which pronoun would replace the noun “Sarah” in the sentence: “Sarah is going to the market”?

    • a) They
    • b) He
    • c) It
    • d) She

    Correct answer: d) She

  2. What is the objective pronoun in the sentence: “The teacher gave her a book”?

    • a) Her
    • b) She
    • c) Him
    • d) It

    Correct answer: a) Her

  3. Choose the correct pronoun: “John and I are friends. ___ like to play soccer together.”

    • a) We
    • b) Us
    • c) They
    • d) Them

    Correct answer: a) We

  4. What is the possessive pronoun in the sentence: “This car is mine”?

    • a) My
    • b) Mine
    • c) Our
    • d) His

    Correct answer: b) Mine

  5. Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence: “Each student should bring ___ own lunch”?

    • a) His
    • b) Their
    • c) Our
    • d) Your

    Correct answer: a) His (Note: “Their” is commonly used in modern English for gender neutrality, but traditionally “His” or “His or her” is correct.)

  6. Identify the reflexive pronoun: “She made herself a cup of tea.”

    • a) Hers
    • b) Her
    • c) Herself
    • d) She

    Correct answer: c) Herself

  7. What is the subject pronoun in the sentence: “They are going to the museum”?

    • a) Them
    • b) They
    • c) It
    • d) We

    Correct answer: b) They

  8. Choose the correct pronoun: “The cat licked ___ paws.”

    • a) It’s
    • b) Its
    • c) Their
    • d) His

    Correct answer: b) Its

  9. What is the interrogative pronoun in the sentence: “Who is calling?”

    • a) Whom
    • b) Who
    • c) Which
    • d) What

    Correct answer: b) Who

  10. Choose the correct pronoun: “This book belongs to her, but that one is ___.”

    • a) Hers
    • b) Her
    • c) Your
    • d) Their

    Correct answer: a) Hers

Sample Quiz on Pronouns in English Grammar - Intermediate

Here are 10 intermediate-level quiz questions on pronouns with four answer options and the correct answer provided after each question:

  1. Which pronoun best completes the sentence: “Neither of the students has finished ___ homework”?

    • a) Their
    • b) His or her
    • c) Our
    • d) Its

    Correct answer: b) His or her

  2. Identify the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: “If anyone calls, tell ___ I’ll be back soon.”

    • a) Them
    • b) Him
    • c) Her
    • d) Me

    Correct answer: a) Them (Note: “Them” is used here as a gender-neutral singular pronoun.)

  3. Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence: “The committee has made ___ decision”?

    • a) Their
    • b) Its
    • c) It’s
    • d) His

    Correct answer: b) Its

  4. Identify the relative pronoun in the sentence: “The book that you lent me was fascinating.”

    • a) Who
    • b) Which
    • c) That
    • d) Whose

    Correct answer: c) That

  5. Choose the correct pronoun: “Few of the participants finished the race, but ___ received a medal.”

    • a) Each
    • b) None
    • c) Many
    • d) Several

    Correct answer: d) Several

  6. What is the correct reflexive pronoun for the sentence: “He prides ___ on his achievements”?

    • a) Himself
    • b) His
    • c) Him
    • d) He

    Correct answer: a) Himself

  7. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: “The teacher, ___ students admire, is retiring this year.”

    • a) Who
    • b) Whom
    • c) Whose
    • d) Which

    Correct answer: b) Whom

  8. Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence: “The scientist and her team published ___ findings”?

    • a) His
    • b) Her
    • c) Their
    • d) Its

    Correct answer: c) Their

  9. Identify the indefinite pronoun in the sentence: “Everybody should bring something to the picnic.”

    • a) Everybody
    • b) Something
    • c) Picnic
    • d) Should

    Correct answer: a) Everybody

  10. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: “The new policy affects all employees, many of ___ are concerned.”

    • a) Who
    • b) Whom
    • c) Whose
    • d) Which

    Correct answer: b) Whom

Sample Quiz on Pronouns in English Grammar - Advanced

Here are 10 advanced-level quiz questions on pronouns with four answer options and the correct answer provided after each question:

  1. Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence: “The CEO, along with the board members, expressed ___ opinion on the matter”?

    • a) Their
    • b) Its
    • c) His or her
    • d) Their own

    Correct answer: c) His or her

  2. Identify the pronoun that correctly completes the sentence: “The athlete who won the marathon is the one ___ everyone admires.”

    • a) Whom
    • b) Which
    • c) Who
    • d) Whose

    Correct answer: a) Whom

  3. Choose the correct pronoun: “The committee members gave ___ unanimous approval to the proposal.”

    • a) His or her
    • b) Its
    • c) Their
    • d) His

    Correct answer: c) Their

  4. Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence: “Each of the players has ___ own locker.”

    • a) Their
    • b) Its
    • c) His or her
    • d) His

    Correct answer: c) His or her

  5. Identify the correct pronoun: “It is I ___ am responsible for the error.”

    • a) That
    • b) Whom
    • c) Who
    • d) Which

    Correct answer: c) Who

  6. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: “She is one of those people who always does ___ best.”

    • a) Her
    • b) Their
    • c) His
    • d) Its

    Correct answer: b) Their

  7. Identify the relative pronoun in the sentence: “The scientists, several of ___ received awards, made groundbreaking discoveries.”

    • a) Whom
    • b) Who
    • c) Whose
    • d) Which

    Correct answer: a) Whom

  8. Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence: “Neither of the brothers has finished ___ homework.”

    • a) Their
    • b) His
    • c) Its
    • d) Theirs

    Correct answer: b) His

  9. Choose the correct pronoun: “The person to ___ you were speaking is my cousin.”

    • a) Whom
    • b) Who
    • c) Whose
    • d) Which

    Correct answer: a) Whom

  10. Identify the pronoun that correctly completes the sentence: “The company, along with its subsidiaries, has updated ___ policy.”

    • a) Their
    • b) Its
    • c) His or her
    • d) His

    Correct answer: b) Its