English Grammar Quiz - Prepositions

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English Grammar Prepositions - Easy

10 Questions  ⦿  10 Minutes

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1 / 10

1. Analyzing Preposition Usage :

Identify the correct usage of the preposition: "The lamp is ____ the table."

2 / 10

2. Fill in the blanks :

They traveled ____ bus to the village.

3 / 10

3. Synonyms and Antonyms  :

Find the synonym of "beside."

4 / 10

4. Comparative and Superlative :

Choose the correct superlative form: "This is the ____ book on the shelf."


5 / 10

5. Synonyms and Antonyms  :

Find the synonym of "under."

6 / 10

6. Multiple Choice  :

The bus stopped ____ the school.

7 / 10

7. Error Identification and Correction :

Identify the error: "The cat jumped in the table."

8 / 10

8. Error Identification and Correction :

Identify the error: "He is walking on the park."

9 / 10

9. Fill in the Blanks:

She is looking ____ her glasses.

10 / 10

10. Multiple Choice :

He arrived ____ the station just in time.

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English Grammar - Prepositions

Table of Contents

Guide to Prepositions in English Grammar

Prepositions are small words that link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. They are crucial in providing additional details like time, place, direction, cause, manner, and agent. For beginner English learners, understanding prepositions is essential for forming correct and meaningful sentences. This guide will cover various types of prepositions with plenty of examples to make it easy to understand.

Prepositions of Place

These prepositions indicate the location of something.

Common Prepositions of Place:

  • In: Inside something
    • Example: The book is in the bag.
  • On: On the surface of something
    • Example: The cat is on the table.
  • At: Specific point or location
    • Example: She is at the door.
  • Under: Below something
    • Example: The shoes are under the bed.
  • Over: Above something
    • Example: The plane flew over the city.
  • Between: In the middle of two things
    • Example: The park is between the school and the library.
  • Next to: Beside something
    • Example: The bank is next to the post office.
  • Behind: At the back of something
    • Example: The car is parked behind the house.
  • In front of: Before something
    • Example: The statue is in front of the museum.

Prepositions of Time

These prepositions specify when something happens.

Common Prepositions of Time:

  • At: Specific times
    • Example: We will meet at 5 PM.
  • On: Days and dates
    • Example: Her birthday is on Monday.
  • In: Months, years, centuries, long periods
    • Example: He was born in 1990.
  • During: Throughout the duration of an event
    • Example: It rained during the night.
  • Before: Earlier than a point in time
    • Example: Finish your homework before dinner.
  • After: Later than a point in time
    • Example: We can play after lunch.
  • Since: From a specific point in time until now
    • Example: I have lived here since 2010.
  • For: Duration of time
    • Example: They have been friends for ten years.

Prepositions of Direction

These prepositions indicate movement or direction.

Common Prepositions of Direction:

  • To: Movement towards a place
    • Example: She is going to the market.
  • From: Movement away from a place
    • Example: He came from Delhi.
  • Into: Entering a place
    • Example: The cat jumped into the box.
  • Out of: Exiting a place
    • Example: She walked out of the room.
  • Up: Movement to a higher place
    • Example: They climbed up the hill.
  • Down: Movement to a lower place
    • Example: He fell down the stairs.
  • Across: Moving from one side to the other
    • Example: We walked across the street.
  • Through: Movement within something
    • Example: The river flows through the city.

Prepositions of Manner

These prepositions describe the way something happens.

Common Prepositions of Manner:

  • With: Using something
    • Example: He cut the paper with scissors.
  • By: Indicating the method or means
    • Example: We traveled by train.
  • Like: Similarity
    • Example: She sings like a professional.
  • In: Manner or state
    • Example: She spoke in a loud voice.
  • Without: Absence of something
    • Example: He completed the task without any help.

Prepositions of Cause, Reason, or Purpose

These prepositions show the reason for something.

Common Prepositions of Cause, Reason, or Purpose:

  • Because of: Reason for something
    • Example: The match was canceled because of the rain.
  • Due to: Reason for something
    • Example: The delay was due to traffic.
  • For: Purpose or reason
    • Example: She is studying for her exams.
  • In order to: Purpose
    • Example: He left early in order to catch the train.

Prepositions of Agent or Instrument

These prepositions indicate the doer or the tool used.

Common Prepositions of Agent or Instrument:

  • By: The doer of an action
    • Example: The book was written by J.K. Rowling.
  • With: The tool used
    • Example: The cake was made with love.

Tips for Using Prepositions

Here are a few tips to use prepositions correctly in English Grammar.

  • Memorize common phrases: Many prepositions are part of fixed phrases, like “at home,” “in bed,” “on time,” etc.
  • Practice with examples: Use sentences and practice identifying and using prepositions correctly.
  • Watch out for similar prepositions: Words like “in” and “on” can be confusing, so pay attention to the context.


Prepositions are an essential part of English grammar. Understanding their types and uses will help you construct sentences that are clear and accurate. Practice regularly and refer to this guide whenever you need help with prepositions. Happy learning!

Sample Sentences with Prepositions (Highlighted) - Easy

Here are 10 easy sentences with the prepositions highlighted:

  1. The cat is under the table.
  2. She is going to the market.
  3. He arrived at 7 PM.
  4. The book is on the shelf.
  5. They walked through the park.
  6. She lives in Mumbai.
  7. The ball is between the chairs.
  8. He came from Delhi.
  9. The plane flew over the mountains.
  10. She sits next to her friend in class.

These examples demonstrate various uses of prepositions in everyday sentences.

Complex Sentences with Prepositions (Highlighted) - Easy

Here are 10 complex sentences with multiple prepositions highlighted:

  1. The keys are on the table in the kitchen near the window.
  2. She arrived at the airport on time despite the heavy traffic.
  3. They walked through the park and up the hill to the old castle.
  4. He placed the gift inside the box under the tree in the living room.
  5. We stayed at the hotel by the beach for two weeks during summer.
  6. The cat jumped onto the counter and knocked the vase off the edge.
  7. He has been living in London since 2015 and for the past three years, he has worked at a tech company.
  8. She looked through the window and saw the kids playing in the garden behind the house.
  9. They traveled by train from Paris to Berlin and then by bus to Prague.
  10. He finished his homework before dinner and then went out of the house to play with his friends.

These sentences illustrate the use of multiple prepositions within a single sentence, showing their complexity and versatility.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Prepositions - Easy

Here are 10 easy quiz questions on prepositions with multiple-choice answers and the correct answer provided:

  1. The cat is sitting ___ the chair.

    • a) on
    • b) in
    • c) under
    • d) over
    • Correct answer: c) under
  2. She arrived ___ the airport early.

    • a) on
    • b) at
    • c) in
    • d) under
    • Correct answer: b) at
  3. He walked ___ the bridge.

    • a) over
    • b) through
    • c) in
    • d) under
    • Correct answer: a) over
  4. The book is ___ the table.

    • a) in
    • b) at
    • c) on
    • d) under
    • Correct answer: c) on
  5. They traveled ___ bus.

    • a) with
    • b) by
    • c) on
    • d) in
    • Correct answer: b) by
  6. She lives ___ New York.

    • a) on
    • b) in
    • c) at
    • d) by
    • Correct answer: b) in
  7. The flowers are ___ the vase.

    • a) in
    • b) on
    • c) by
    • d) under
    • Correct answer: a) in
  8. He will meet us ___ 5 PM.

    • a) on
    • b) in
    • c) at
    • d) by
    • Correct answer: c) at
  9. She walked ___ the park.

    • a) on
    • b) over
    • c) through
    • d) in
    • Correct answer: c) through
  10. The dog is sitting ___ the door.

    • a) on
    • b) in
    • c) at
    • d) under
    • Correct answer: c) at

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Prepositions - Medium

Here are 10 medium difficulty quiz questions on prepositions, including different types of questions:

Fill in the Blanks

  1. He put the pen ___ the drawer after using it.

    • a) on
    • b) in
    • c) over
    • d) between
    • Correct answer: b) in
  2. She sat ___ her best friends during the movie.

    • a) between
    • b) among
    • c) with
    • d) on
    • Correct answer: a) between
  3. They arrived ___ the city late at night.

    • a) at
    • b) on
    • c) to
    • d) in
    • Correct answer: d) in

Multiple Choice

  1. Which preposition correctly completes the sentence: “The bird flew ___ the window and landed on the branch”?

    • a) in
    • b) through
    • c) over
    • d) between
    • Correct answer: b) through
  2. Choose the correct preposition: “She has been waiting ___ you for two hours.”

    • a) for
    • b) since
    • c) during
    • d) with
    • Correct answer: a) for

Sentence Correction

  1. Identify the correct sentence:

    • a) He is looking forward to meet you.
    • b) He is looking forward for meet you.
    • c) He is looking forward to meeting you.
    • d) He is looking forward for meeting you.
    • Correct answer: c) He is looking forward to meeting you.
  2. Which sentence is correct?

    • a) The cat is hiding under the couch.
    • b) The cat is hiding at the couch.
    • c) The cat is hiding between the couch.
    • d) The cat is hiding on the couch.
    • Correct answer: a) The cat is hiding under the couch.

True or False

  1. True or False: The preposition “beside” means the same as “besides”.

    • Correct answer: False
  2. True or False: “Among” is used when referring to two people or things.

    • Correct answer: False


  1. Match the sentence with the correct preposition:
  • a) The book is ___ the table.
      1. on
      1. at
      1. in
      1. under
  • b) The cat is hiding ___ the bed.
      1. over
      1. in
      1. between
      1. under
  • c) They are standing ___ the bus stop.
      1. at
      1. on
      1. by
      1. between
  • Correct answers:
    • a) 1) on
    • b) 4) under
    • c) 1) at

These questions cover different aspects and uses of prepositions, providing a comprehensive medium difficulty quiz.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Prepositions - Difficult

Here are 10 advanced quiz questions on prepositions to challenge learners, incorporating various types of questions:

Fill in the Blanks

  1. She will arrive ___ the airport ___ 8 PM ___ the evening.

    • a) at, at, in
    • b) at, in, in
    • c) in, at, on
    • d) to, in, at
    • Correct answer: a) at, at, in
  2. The conference will be held ___ Monday ___ 9 AM ___ the main hall.

    • a) on, at, in
    • b) in, at, at
    • c) at, on, in
    • d) on, in, at
    • Correct answer: a) on, at, in

Multiple Choice

  1. Which preposition correctly completes the sentence: “She is responsible ___ overseeing the project”?

    • a) for
    • b) to
    • c) with
    • d) by
    • Correct answer: a) for
  2. Choose the correct preposition: “He is proficient ___ several languages.”

    • a) in
    • b) at
    • c) with
    • d) by
    • Correct answer: a) in

Sentence Correction

  1. Identify the correct sentence:

    • a) The meeting was postponed to next week due to the holiday.
    • b) The meeting was postponed until next week due to the holiday.
    • c) The meeting was postponed by next week due to the holiday.
    • d) The meeting was postponed for next week due to the holiday.
    • Correct answer: b) The meeting was postponed until next week due to the holiday.
  2. Which sentence is correct?

    • a) He is interested for learning new languages.
    • b) He is interested in learning new languages.
    • c) He is interested to learning new languages.
    • d) He is interested by learning new languages.
    • Correct answer: b) He is interested in learning new languages.

True or False

  1. True or False: The preposition “among” is used with plural nouns or pronouns to indicate being in the middle of a group.

    • Correct answer: True
  2. True or False: “Despite” and “in spite of” are interchangeable and can be used with both nouns and verb forms (gerunds).

    • Correct answer: True


  1. Match the sentence with the correct preposition:
    • a) The book was written ___ a famous author.
        1. by
        1. from
        1. with
        1. at
    • b) She is good ___ playing the piano.
        1. in
        1. on
        1. at
        1. with
    • c) They are looking forward ___ the vacation.
        1. in
        1. for
        1. to
        1. on
    • Correct answers:
      • a) 1) by
      • b) 3) at
      • c) 3) to


  1. Explain the difference between “beside” and “besides” and provide an example sentence for each.
  • Answer:
    • “Beside” means next to or at the side of something. Example: “She sat beside her friend during the movie.”
    • “Besides” means in addition to or apart from. Example: “Besides English, she also speaks Spanish.”

These advanced questions challenge learners to understand prepositions deeply and use them correctly in different contexts.