English Grammar Quiz - Interjections

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English Grammar - Interjections

Table of Contents

Interjections in English Grammar: A Comprehensive Guide


Interjections are an integral part of English grammar, adding color and emotion to speech and writing. They are unique in that they do not form a grammatical relation with other parts of a sentence. Instead, they stand alone, expressing a sudden feeling or reaction. This guide delves into the nuances of interjections, providing a thorough understanding suitable for advanced English learners in India.

What Are Interjections?

Interjections are words or phrases that convey spontaneous emotions or reactions. They are typically used to express feelings such as surprise, joy, anger, or disgust. Interjections can be a single word, a phrase, or even a sound.


  • Wow! (surprise)
  • Ouch! (pain)
  • Yay! (joy)
  • Ugh! (disgust)

Types of Interjections

Interjections can be categorized based on the emotions or responses they express. Here are the primary types of interjections:

1. Interjections for Greeting

Used to greet someone or signal the beginning of an interaction.


  • Hello!
  • Hi!
  • Hey!

2. Interjections for Joy

Express happiness, delight, or excitement.


  • Yay!
  • Hooray!
  • Woo-hoo!
  • Hurrah!

3. Interjections for Surprise

Indicate astonishment or amazement.


  • Wow!
  • Oh!
  • What!
  • Aha!

4. Interjections for Approval

Show agreement or appreciation.


  • Bravo!
  • Well done!
  • Good!

5. Interjections for Sorrow

Express sadness, regret, or disappointment.


  • Alas!
  • Oh no!
  • O!
  • Boo-hoo!

6. Interjections for Attention

Used to draw attention or signal a pause.


  • Listen!
  • Look!
  • Behold!

7. Interjections for Anger or Frustration

Express annoyance, anger, or frustration.


  • Darn!
  • Shoot!
  • Drat!
  • Ugh!

8. Interjections for Disgust

Indicate revulsion or dislike.


  • Yuck!
  • Ew!
  • Ugh!

9. Interjections for Pain

Express physical or emotional pain.


  • Ouch!
  • Ow!
  • Ah!

Usage of Interjections in Sentences

Interjections are usually punctuated with an exclamation mark (!) when they are strong or emphatic. For mild interjections, a comma (,) may be used. Here are some examples illustrating their use in sentences:


  • Wow! That was an amazing performance.
  • Oh, I didn’t realize you were here.
  • Hey! What are you doing?
  • Ouch! That really hurt.
  • Bravo! You did a fantastic job.
  • Alas, we lost the game.


Position of Interjections in Sentences

Interjections can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. However, they are most commonly found at the beginning.


  • Beginning: Wow! That’s incredible.
  • Middle: That’s, wow, incredible.
  • End: That’s incredible, wow!

Interjections in Dialogue

In conversational English, interjections are frequently used to mimic natural speech patterns. They add realism and expressiveness to dialogue.


  • Person A: Hey! Long time no see.
  • Person B: Oh! Hi! How have you been?
  • Person A: Great! And you?
  • Person B: Good, thanks.

Formal vs. Informal Contexts

While interjections are common in informal contexts and spoken language, they are generally avoided in formal writing and speech unless specifically required to convey emotion.


  • Hey! How’s it going?


  • Greetings. How are you today?

Interjections in Literature and Media

Interjections are also widely used in literature, movies, and media to convey characters’ emotions and reactions.

Literature Example:

  • “O! I am fortune’s fool!” – William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Movie Example:

  • “Wow! This is a great place!” – Common reaction in adventure movies.

Cultural Variations

Different cultures may have unique interjections or variations in how they are used. In India, for instance, some interjections might be influenced by regional languages or cultural expressions.


  • Arrey! (common in Hindi, expresses surprise or attention)
  • Wah! (expresses admiration, commonly used in Punjabi and Hindi)


Interjections are a vibrant and expressive part of English grammar, adding depth and emotion to communication. They are versatile and can be used in various contexts, from casual conversations to dramatic literature. For advanced English learners, mastering the use of interjections can significantly enhance both spoken and written communication, making it more engaging and impactful.

By understanding the different types of interjections and their appropriate usage, you can convey emotions more effectively and connect better with your audience. So, the next time you feel a sudden burst of emotion, remember there’s an interjection to capture and express that feeling perfectly!

Sample Sentences with Interjections

Here are 10 easy sentences with the interjections highlighted:

  1. Wow! That sunset is beautiful.
  2. Oh no! I forgot my keys.
  3. Yay! We won the game.
  4. Ouch! That was a sharp pain.
  5. Hey! Watch where you’re going.
  6. Oops! I dropped the glass.
  7. Hooray! It’s my birthday today.
  8. Ugh! This task is so boring.
  9. Ah! That’s exactly what I needed.
  10. Bravo! You performed wonderfully.

Complex sentences with multiple interjections

Here are 10 complex sentences with multiple interjections highlighted:

  1. Oh no! I can’t believe we missed the bus, ugh! We’ll be late for the meeting.
  2. Wow! That presentation was amazing, bravo!
  3. Yay! We finished the project on time, phew! That was close.
  4. Oh dear! I forgot to send the email, oops! I’ll do it right away.
  5. Hey! Are you listening to me? Oh! You seem distracted.
  6. Ouch! That hurt, ugh! I shouldn’t have tried to lift that heavy box.
  7. Wow! This place is stunning, oh! Look at that beautiful view.
  8. Oh no! The power went out, ugh! Now we’ll have to reset everything.
  9. Hooray! We reached our fundraising goal, yay! Let’s celebrate.
  10. Ah! That hot bath feels wonderful, oh! I can finally relax.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Interjections - Easy

Here are 10 easy quiz questions on interjections, each with four answer options and the correct answer indicated:

  1. Which interjection would you use to express surprise?

    • a) Bravo
    • b) Ouch
    • c) Wow
    • d) Boo
    • Correct Answer: c) Wow
  2. Which interjection is used to show pain?

    • a) Yay
    • b) Ouch
    • c) Hooray
    • d) Bravo
    • Correct Answer: b) Ouch
  3. Which interjection would you use to greet someone?

    • a) Hi
    • b) Alas
    • c) Ugh
    • d) Wow
    • Correct Answer: a) Hi
  4. Which interjection expresses joy?

    • a) Oh no
    • b) Ugh
    • c) Yay
    • d) Oops
    • Correct Answer: c) Yay
  5. Which interjection is appropriate for drawing attention?

    • a) Hello
    • b) Ouch
    • c) Look
    • d) Yuck
    • Correct Answer: c) Look
  6. Which interjection would you use to express disappointment?

    • a) Wow
    • b) Alas
    • c) Yay
    • d) Ouch
    • Correct Answer: b) Alas
  7. Which interjection shows disgust?

    • a) Oops
    • b) Bravo
    • c) Ugh
    • d) Hooray
    • Correct Answer: c) Ugh
  8. Which interjection is used to show admiration or approval?

    • a) Boo
    • b) Bravo
    • c) Ouch
    • d) Oh no
    • Correct Answer: b) Bravo
  9. Which interjection expresses a sudden realization?

    • a) Ah
    • b) Yuck
    • c) Alas
    • d) Yay
    • Correct Answer: a) Ah
  10. Which interjection would you use to express excitement?

    • a) Oh no
    • b) Ugh
    • c) Wow
    • d) Boo
    • Correct Answer: c) Wow

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Interjections - Intermediate

Here are 10 medium difficulty quiz questions on interjections, each with four answer options and the correct answer indicated:

  1. Which interjection would best fit in the sentence: “________, that was a close call!”

    • a) Alas
    • b) Oops
    • c) Whew
    • d) Ah
    • Correct Answer: c) Whew
  2. Which interjection is most appropriate to express a greeting in a formal context?

    • a) Hi
    • b) Hey
    • c) Hello
    • d) Yo
    • Correct Answer: c) Hello
  3. Identify the interjection in the sentence: “Yikes! I almost slipped on the ice.”

    • a) I
    • b) almost
    • c) slipped
    • d) Yikes
    • Correct Answer: d) Yikes
  4. Which interjection would you use to express sudden understanding?

    • a) Oh
    • b) Wow
    • c) Ugh
    • d) Ouch
    • Correct Answer: a) Oh
  5. In which situation would you use the interjection “Bravo”?

    • a) When feeling pain
    • b) When showing approval
    • c) When expressing surprise
    • d) When greeting someone
    • Correct Answer: b) When showing approval
  6. Which interjection best fits this context: “________, I didn’t expect to see you here!”

    • a) Ugh
    • b) Alas
    • c) Oops
    • d) Oh
    • Correct Answer: d) Oh
  7. Which interjection is appropriate for expressing annoyance?

    • a) Wow
    • b) Yay
    • c) Ugh
    • d) Oh
    • Correct Answer: c) Ugh
  8. Choose the correct interjection for this sentence: “________, you did it again!”

    • a) Ouch
    • b) Yay
    • c) Bravo
    • d) Oops
    • Correct Answer: d) Oops
  9. Which interjection is used to express empathy for someone’s misfortune?

    • a) Oh no
    • b) Yuck
    • c) Yay
    • d) Hey
    • Correct Answer: a) Oh no
  10. Identify the interjection in the sentence: “Hooray! We finally finished the project.”

    • a) finally
    • b) project
    • c) We
    • d) Hooray
    • Correct Answer: d) Hooray

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Interjections - Advanced

Here are 10 advanced quiz questions on interjections, each with four answer options and the correct answer indicated:

  1. Which interjection would best fit in the sentence: “________, that was a fantastic performance, truly mesmerizing!”

    • a) Alas
    • b) Hurrah
    • c) Bravo
    • d) Ah
    • Correct Answer: c) Bravo
  2. Identify the interjection in the sentence: “Lo and behold, the treasure was right under our noses the whole time!”

    • a) Lo
    • b) Behold
    • c) Lo and behold
    • d) Under
    • Correct Answer: c) Lo and behold
  3. Which interjection is most appropriate to express a sudden burst of energy or excitement?

    • a) Phew
    • b) Hey
    • c) Huzzah
    • d) Alas
    • Correct Answer: c) Huzzah
  4. In which context would the interjection “Alas” be most appropriate?

    • a) Celebrating a victory
    • b) Expressing sorrow or pity
    • c) Indicating confusion
    • d) Expressing a greeting
    • Correct Answer: b) Expressing sorrow or pity
  5. Which interjection best fits this context: “________, I guess this is goodbye.”

    • a) Ouch
    • b) Huh
    • c) Sigh
    • d) Hooray
    • Correct Answer: c) Sigh
  6. Identify the interjection used to express a sudden realization in the sentence: “Aha, I have found the missing piece of the puzzle!”

    • a) Wow
    • b) Ouch
    • c) Aha
    • d) Alas
    • Correct Answer: c) Aha
  7. Which interjection would be suitable for expressing a sense of urgency or warning?

    • a) Bravo
    • b) Alas
    • c) Look out
    • d) Yippee
    • Correct Answer: c) Look out
  8. Choose the correct interjection for this sentence: “________, you can’t be serious about quitting your job!”

    • a) Phew
    • b) Huh
    • c) Bravo
    • d) Oh no
    • Correct Answer: d) Oh no
  9. Identify the interjection in the sentence: “Behold, the majestic mountains in all their glory!”

    • a) Glory
    • b) Behold
    • c) Majestic
    • d) Mountains
    • Correct Answer: b) Behold
  10. Which interjection best fits the sentence: “________, this plan might actually work!”

    • a) Alas
    • b) Hmm
    • c) Ouch
    • d) Wow
    • Correct Answer: b) Hmm