English Grammar Quiz - Conjunctions

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English Grammar - Conjunctions

Table of Contents

Understanding Conjunctions in English Grammar

Conjunctions are essential components of English grammar. They serve as bridges, connecting words, phrases, or clauses, and making our sentences more fluid and cohesive. For beginner English learners from India, understanding conjunctions can significantly enhance your writing and speaking skills. Let’s dive deep into the world of conjunctions, exploring their types and functions with numerous examples.

Types of Conjunctions

There are three main types of conjunctions:

  1. Coordinating Conjunctions
  2. Subordinating Conjunctions
  3. Correlative Conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, or independent clauses that are of equal importance or grammatical rank. The most common coordinating conjunctions can be remembered using the acronym FANBOYS:

  • For
  • And
  • Nor
  • But
  • Or
  • Yet
  • So


  • For: She didn’t go to the park, for it was raining.
  • And: I bought apples and oranges.
  • Nor: He doesn’t like coffee, nor does he like tea.
  • But: She is small but strong.
  • Or: Would you like tea or coffee?
  • Yet: He is old yet energetic.
  • So: It was late, so we decided to go home.

Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions connect an independent clause with a dependent clause, indicating a relationship between them. These relationships can include time, cause and effect, contrast, condition, etc.

Common subordinating conjunctions include:

  • After
  • Although
  • As
  • Because
  • Before
  • Even if
  • Even though
  • If
  • Since
  • Though
  • Unless
  • Until
  • When
  • Where
  • While


  • After: She went to bed after she finished her homework.
  • Although: Although it was raining, they went for a walk.
  • As: As I was reading, the phone rang.
  • Because: I stayed home because I was sick.
  • Before: We must finish the project before the deadline.
  • Even if: Even if it rains, we will go to the park.
  • Even though: Even though she was tired, she finished her work.
  • If: If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
  • Since: Since you’re here, you can help me.
  • Though: Though it was late, he kept working.
  • Unless: You won’t succeed unless you try.
  • Until: Wait here until I come back.
  • When: Call me when you arrive.
  • Where: Sit where you like.
  • While: While he was cooking, she was setting the table.

Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join words or phrases that have equal importance in a sentence. Common pairs include:

  • Both…and
  • Either…or
  • Neither…nor
  • Not only…but also
  • Whether…or


  • Both…and: Both the teacher and the students were excited about the project.
  • Either…or: You can either have tea or coffee.
  • Neither…nor: She likes neither apples nor oranges.
  • Not only…but also: He is not only a good singer but also a talented dancer.
  • Whether…or: I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Using Conjunctions Effectively

Tips for Beginners:

  1. Understand the Purpose: Know what type of relationship you want to express (addition, contrast, cause and effect, etc.).
  2. Use the Right Conjunction: Choose the conjunction that best fits the relationship you’re expressing.
  3. Practice Writing Sentences: Regular practice helps in getting comfortable with using conjunctions.

Practice Sentences:

  1. I wanted to go out, but it started to rain.
  2. She can either come with us or stay at home.
  3. Although he was tired, he continued to work.
  4. You can have both the cake and the ice cream.
  5. They didn’t go to the movie because they had a lot of homework.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  1. Comma Splices: Don’t use a comma to join two independent clauses without a conjunction.
    • Incorrect: I am tired, I will take a nap.
    • Correct: I am tired, so I will take a nap.
  2. Incorrect Pairing: Ensure you use the correct pair in correlative conjunctions.
    • Incorrect: Either you can have tea nor coffee.
    • Correct: Either you can have tea or coffee.


Conjunctions are crucial for creating complex and interesting sentences in English. By understanding and using coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions, you can make your communication clearer and more effective. Practice regularly, pay attention to the relationships between ideas, and soon you’ll find using conjunctions becomes second nature. Happy learning!

Sample English Sentences with Conjunctions - Easy

Here are 10 easy sentences with the conjunctions highlighted:

  1. She wanted to go to the market, but it was too late.
  2. He likes both pizza and pasta.
  3. I will call you when I get home.
  4. We can go to the park or we can stay home.
  5. Although it was raining, they decided to go for a walk.
  6. You must finish your homework before you watch TV.
  7. She is not only smart but also hardworking.
  8. Because it was cold, she wore a jacket.
  9. You can have either tea or coffee.
  10. While he was reading, she was cooking.

These sentences incorporate various types of conjunctions, providing a practical demonstration of how they connect different parts of a sentence.

Sample English Sentences with multiple Conjunctions

Here are 10 complex sentences with multiple conjunctions highlighted:

  1. Although it was raining, we went for a walk and enjoyed the fresh air.
  2. She wanted to buy a new dress but couldn’t decide whether to choose red or blue.
  3. Because he studied hard and practiced every day, he not only passed the exam but also topped his class.
  4. While I was cooking dinner, he was setting the table and playing music.
  5. If you finish your homework before dinner, we can watch a movie after we eat.
  6. He didn’t know whether to apologize or to explain himself, so he decided to do both.
  7. Although she was tired and wanted to rest, she went to the party because it was her best friend’s birthday.
  8. Even though it was late, and he was exhausted, he continued working until he finished the project.
  9. We can either go hiking if the weather is nice or visit a museum if it rains.
  10. Since you helped me with my project, I will help you with yours when you need it.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Conjunctions - Easy

Here are 10 easy quiz questions on conjunctions with four answer options and the correct answer provided after each question:

  1. Which conjunction best fits in the sentence: “I wanted to go out, ___ it started to rain.”?

    • A) or
    • B) but
    • C) and
    • D) so
    • Correct Answer: B) but
  2. Which conjunction is used to show a choice between two options: “You can have tea ___ coffee.”?

    • A) or
    • B) but
    • C) and
    • D) because
    • Correct Answer: A) or
  3. What is the conjunction in the sentence: “He likes both pizza ___ pasta.”?

    • A) or
    • B) but
    • C) and
    • D) yet
    • Correct Answer: C) and
  4. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “She is not only smart ___ also hardworking.”?

    • A) but
    • B) and
    • C) or
    • D) yet
    • Correct Answer: A) but
  5. Which conjunction best fits in the sentence: “___ it was raining, they decided to go for a walk.”?

    • A) Although
    • B) Because
    • C) And
    • D) But
    • Correct Answer: A) Although
  6. Which conjunction is used to show a reason: “She wore a jacket ___ it was cold.”?

    • A) and
    • B) because
    • C) but
    • D) or
    • Correct Answer: B) because
  7. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “I will call you ___ I get home.”?

    • A) and
    • B) but
    • C) when
    • D) or
    • Correct Answer: C) when
  8. Which conjunction best fits in the sentence: “We can go to the park ___ we can stay home.”?

    • A) or
    • B) and
    • C) but
    • D) so
    • Correct Answer: A) or
  9. Which conjunction best fits in the sentence: “You must finish your homework ___ you watch TV.”?

    • A) before
    • B) after
    • C) and
    • D) or
    • Correct Answer: A) before
  10. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “___ I was cooking dinner, he was setting the table.”?

    • A) But
    • B) And
    • C) Because
    • D) While
    • Correct Answer: D) While

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Conjunctions - Medium Difficulty

Here are 10 medium difficulty quiz questions on conjunctions with four answer options and the correct answer provided after each question:

  1. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “I will go to the gym, ___ I don’t feel like it today.”?

    • A) so
    • B) although
    • C) because
    • D) if
    • Correct Answer: B) although
  2. Which conjunction best fits in the sentence: “She couldn’t decide ___ to go to the party or stay home and study.”?

    • A) whether
    • B) although
    • C) since
    • D) because
    • Correct Answer: A) whether
  3. Which pair of conjunctions best completes the sentence: “___ he was tired ___ he kept working late into the night.”?

    • A) If, then
    • B) Because, so
    • C) Although, yet
    • D) Since, but
    • Correct Answer: C) Although, yet
  4. Which conjunction is used to indicate a condition in the sentence: “___ you finish your work, you can go out to play.”?

    • A) While
    • B) Before
    • C) If
    • D) After
    • Correct Answer: C) If
  5. Which conjunction best fits in the sentence: “We can either go for a walk ___ stay indoors and watch a movie.”?

    • A) and
    • B) or
    • C) but
    • D) so
    • Correct Answer: B) or
  6. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “He didn’t pass the test, ___ he didn’t study hard enough.”?

    • A) and
    • B) yet
    • C) because
    • D) so
    • Correct Answer: C) because
  7. Which conjunction is used to show contrast in the sentence: “She is very talented, ___ she is very modest.”?

    • A) and
    • B) so
    • C) yet
    • D) because
    • Correct Answer: C) yet
  8. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “___ he had little experience, he was given a lot of responsibility.”?

    • A) Although
    • B) Because
    • C) If
    • D) When
    • Correct Answer: A) Although
  9. Which conjunction is used to show time in the sentence: “We will start the meeting ___ everyone arrives.”?

    • A) although
    • B) when
    • C) because
    • D) so
    • Correct Answer: B) when
  10. Which conjunction best fits in the sentence: “___ you practice regularly, you will improve your skills.”?

    • A) If
    • B) While
    • C) Although
    • D) Because
    • Correct Answer: A) If

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Conjunctions - Difficult

Here are 10 advanced/difficult quiz questions on conjunctions with four answer options and the correct answer provided after each question:

  1. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “___ he had been warned about the consequences, he chose to ignore the advice.”?

    • A) Because
    • B) Although
    • C) Since
    • D) As
    • Correct Answer: B) Although
  2. Which conjunction pair best fits in the sentence: “Not only did she complete the assignment on time, ___ she also submitted an extra credit project ___ impressed the professor.”?

    • A) but, which
    • B) and, that
    • C) but, that
    • D) and, which
    • Correct Answer: A) but, which
  3. Identify the conjunction in the following sentence: “He went to the store, bought some groceries, ___ returned home before it started raining.”

    • A) and
    • B) but
    • C) or
    • D) so
    • Correct Answer: A) and
  4. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “We can go to the beach ___ it doesn’t rain, ___ we can go to the museum instead.”?

    • A) if, but
    • B) unless, or
    • C) if, or
    • D) since, but
    • Correct Answer: C) if, or
  5. Which conjunction best fits in the sentence: “She acts ___ she knows everything, but in reality, she is still learning.”?

    • A) although
    • B) as if
    • C) because
    • D) since
    • Correct Answer: B) as if
  6. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “He managed to finish the marathon ___ he had injured his leg halfway through.”?

    • A) because
    • B) if
    • C) although
    • D) so
    • Correct Answer: C) although
  7. Which conjunction pair best fits in the sentence: “___ it was a difficult exam, he was well-prepared; ___, he passed with flying colors.”?

    • A) Although, therefore
    • B) Since, nevertheless
    • C) As, moreover
    • D) Because, however
    • Correct Answer: A) Although, therefore
  8. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “I will call you ___ I arrive at the airport, ___ please keep your phone with you.”?

    • A) as soon as, so
    • B) when, but
    • C) while, and
    • D) after, or
    • Correct Answer: A) as soon as, so
  9. Which conjunction best fits in the sentence: “She decided to take the job offer ___ the salary was not very attractive.”?

    • A) because
    • B) even though
    • C) as if
    • D) since
    • Correct Answer: B) even though
  10. Which conjunction best completes the sentence: “You should not only study hard ___ also take care of your health.”?

    • A) but
    • B) or
    • C) and
    • D) as
    • Correct Answer: A) but