English Grammar Quiz - Conjunctions

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English Grammar - Conjunctions

Table of Contents

Conjunctions in English Grammar: A Comprehensive Guide.

What are Conjunctions?

Conjunctions are words that connect other words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. They help to make your writing and speech more fluid and cohesive. Conjunctions are essential in constructing meaningful sentences and expressing complex ideas clearly.

Types of Conjunctions

There are three main types of conjunctions:

  1. Coordinating Conjunctions
  2. Subordinating Conjunctions
  3. Correlative Conjunctions

Let’s explore each type in detail with plenty of examples.


Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, or independent clauses that are of equal importance. The most common coordinating conjunctions can be remembered using the acronym FANBOYS:

  • For
  • And
  • Nor
  • But
  • Or
  • Yet
  • So


  • For: I stayed home, for it was raining.
  • And: She likes apples and bananas.
  • Nor: He didn’t study, nor did he complete his homework.
  • But: I want to go out, but I have to finish my work.
  • Or: Would you like tea or coffee?
  • Yet: He is rich, yet he is not happy.
  • So: She was tired, so she went to bed early.

Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions connect an independent clause with a dependent clause, showing a relationship such as cause and effect, contrast, or time.

Common subordinating conjunctions include:

  • Because: He didn’t go to school because he was sick.
  • Although: Although it was raining, they went for a walk.
  • Since: Since you are here, let’s start the meeting.
  • Unless: You can’t go out unless you finish your homework.
  • While: She was reading while he was cooking.
  • After: We went home after the movie ended.
  • Before: Finish your work before you go out.

Examples in Sentences:

  • Because: She was late because the bus was delayed.
  • Although: Although it was difficult, she managed to complete the task.
  • Since: Since it’s a holiday, the office is closed.
  • Unless: You won’t succeed unless you work hard.
  • While: He listened to music while studying.
  • After: They had dinner after the meeting.
  • Before: Wash your hands before eating.


Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join equal elements in a sentence. The most common correlative conjunctions are:

  • Either…or: You can either have tea or coffee.
  • Neither…nor: She is neither at home nor at work.
  • Both…and: Both the teacher and the students were excited.
  • Not only…but also: He is not only smart but also hardworking.
  • Whether…or: I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.


  • Either…or: Either you come with us, or you stay here.
  • Neither…nor: Neither the cat nor the dog wanted to go outside.
  • Both…and: Both the film and the book were amazing.
  • Not only…but also: She is not only talented but also very kind.
  • Whether…or: I can’t decide whether to buy a new phone or a tablet.

Tips for Using Conjunctions

  1. Balance Your Sentences: When using coordinating conjunctions, ensure the elements being connected are parallel (of the same type or structure).

    • Correct: She likes dancing and singing.
    • Incorrect: She likes dancing and to sing.
  2. Punctuation: Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction that connects two independent clauses.

    • Example: I wanted to go for a walk, but it started raining.
  3. Avoid Fragments: Subordinating conjunctions often start dependent clauses. Ensure they are connected to an independent clause to form a complete sentence.

    • Incorrect: Because it was raining.
    • Correct: Because it was raining, we stayed inside.
  4. Use Correlative Conjunctions in Pairs: Always use both parts of the correlative conjunction to make your sentence clear.

    • Correct: Either you win or you lose.
    • Incorrect: Either you win, you lose.

Practice Sentences

Try completing these sentences with appropriate conjunctions:

  1. I want to go out, ______ I have to finish my homework. (but/so/and)
  2. She didn’t study, ______ did she complete her homework. (nor/and/or)
  3. You can’t go out ______ you finish your homework. (unless/because/after)
  4. ______ it was raining, they went for a walk. (Although/And/But)
  5. He is not only smart ______ also hardworking. (but/nor/and)


  1. but
  2. nor
  3. unless
  4. Although
  5. but


Conjunctions are powerful tools in English grammar that help connect ideas and make your speech and writing more fluid. By understanding and practicing the different types of conjunctions, you’ll improve your ability to construct clear and cohesive sentences. Keep practicing, and soon using conjunctions will become second nature!

Sample Sentences with Conjunctions - Easy

Here are 10 easy sentences with the conjunctions highlighted:

  1. She likes apples and bananas.
  2. I stayed home, for it was raining.
  3. Would you like tea or coffee?
  4. He didn’t study, nor did he complete his homework.
  5. I want to go out, but I have to finish my work.
  6. She was tired, so she went to bed early.
  7. Although it was raining, they went for a walk.
  8. You can’t go out unless you finish your homework.
  9. Both the teacher and the students were excited.
  10. He is not only smart but also hardworking.

Sample Sentences with Multiple Conjunctions.

Here are some complex sentences with multiple conjunctions, highlighted for clarity:

  1. Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk, and we enjoyed the fresh air.
  2. Because she studied hard, she passed the exam and received a scholarship.
  3. He wanted to play football, but he had to finish his homework before going out.
  4. Not only did she bake a cake, but also she prepared a delicious dinner because it was her friend’s birthday.
  5. You can have ice cream if you finish your vegetables, or you can save it for later.
  6. Since it was a holiday, the office was closed, and everyone decided to go on a trip.
  7. Although he was tired, he stayed up late so that he could finish his project.
  8. She couldn’t decide whether to buy a new phone or a tablet, so she asked for advice from her friends.
  9. Both the movie and the book were amazing, but the book had more details.
  10. Even though it was cold outside, they went hiking and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Conjunctions - Easy

Here are 10 easy quiz questions on conjunctions with four answer options each and the correct answer provided after each question.

  1. Which conjunction best completes this sentence? “I want to go out, ______ I have to finish my homework.”

    • a) but
    • b) or
    • c) and
    • d) nor
    • Answer: a) but
  2. Which conjunction is used to connect equal elements in a sentence?

    • a) because
    • b) although
    • c) but
    • d) unless
    • Answer: c) but
  3. Identify the conjunction in this sentence: “She likes apples and bananas.”

    • a) apples
    • b) likes
    • c) and
    • d) bananas
    • Answer: c) and
  4. Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions: “______ you win ______ you lose, you should always try your best.”

    • a) Either…or
    • b) Neither…nor
    • c) Both…and
    • d) Not only…but also
    • Answer: a) Either…or
  5. Which conjunction fits best in this sentence? “He didn’t study, ______ did he complete his homework.”

    • a) or
    • b) so
    • c) nor
    • d) but
    • Answer: c) nor
  6. Identify the conjunction in this sentence: “Although it was raining, they went for a walk.”

    • a) Although
    • b) it
    • c) was
    • d) for
    • Answer: a) Although
  7. Fill in the blank: “You can’t go out ______ you finish your homework.”

    • a) because
    • b) unless
    • c) and
    • d) so
    • Answer: b) unless
  8. Choose the correct conjunction: “She was tired, ______ she went to bed early.”

    • a) because
    • b) and
    • c) but
    • d) so
    • Answer: d) so
  9. Which conjunction pair completes this sentence? “______ the teacher ______ the students were excited.”

    • a) Either…or
    • b) Neither…nor
    • c) Both…and
    • d) Not only…but also
    • Answer: c) Both…and
  10. Identify the correct conjunction: “He is not only smart ______ also hardworking.”

    • a) or
    • b) but
    • c) and
    • d) nor
    • Answer: b) but

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Conjunctions - Medium Difficulty

Here are 10 intermediate questions on conjunctions, each with four answer options and the correct answer provided after each question.

  1. Which conjunction correctly completes this sentence? “I stayed home, ______ it was raining.”

    • a) so
    • b) because
    • c) but
    • d) or
    • Answer: b) because
  2. Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions: “______ John ______ Mary are coming to the party.”

    • a) Either…or
    • b) Neither…nor
    • c) Both…and
    • d) Not only…but also
    • Answer: c) Both…and
  3. Identify the conjunction that shows contrast: “She is very talented, ______ she is still learning.”

    • a) so
    • b) and
    • c) yet
    • d) because
    • Answer: c) yet
  4. Which conjunction fits best in this sentence? “We can go to the park ______ it stops raining.”

    • a) as soon as
    • b) and
    • c) but
    • d) so
    • Answer: a) as soon as
  5. Choose the correct conjunction: “I want to buy a new car, ______ I need to save money first.”

    • a) and
    • b) but
    • c) so
    • d) or
    • Answer: b) but
  6. Identify the conjunction in this sentence: “Since you are here, let’s start the meeting.”

    • a) Since
    • b) you
    • c) are
    • d) let’s
    • Answer: a) Since
  7. Fill in the blank: “You should finish your work ______ you go out.”

    • a) before
    • b) after
    • c) since
    • d) and
    • Answer: a) before
  8. Which conjunction pair completes this sentence? “He is ______ rich ______ generous.”

    • a) either…or
    • b) neither…nor
    • c) both…and
    • d) not only…but also
    • Answer: d) not only…but also
  9. Choose the correct conjunction: “You can have tea ______ coffee.”

    • a) or
    • b) but
    • c) so
    • d) nor
    • Answer: a) or
  10. Identify the correct conjunction: “Although it was late, he continued to work ______ he was very tired.”

    • a) so
    • b) because
    • c) but
    • d) since
    • Answer: c) but

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Conjunctions - Difficult

Here are 10 advanced questions on conjunctions, each with four answer options and the correct answer provided after each question.

  1. Which conjunction best completes this sentence? “He continued to work on the project, ______ it was clear that he was exhausted.”

    • a) despite
    • b) although
    • c) since
    • d) so
    • Answer: b) although
  2. Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions: “She will succeed ______ she works hard ______ she stays focused.”

    • a) as long as…and
    • b) provided that…or
    • c) either…or
    • d) both…and
    • Answer: a) as long as…and
  3. Identify the conjunction that shows cause and effect: “He studied very hard, ______ he passed the exam with flying colors.”

    • a) therefore
    • b) but
    • c) and
    • d) or
    • Answer: a) therefore
  4. Which conjunction fits best in this sentence? “She could not attend the meeting ______ she had an urgent appointment.”

    • a) since
    • b) but
    • c) or
    • d) unless
    • Answer: a) since
  5. Choose the correct conjunction: “I will call you ______ I arrive at the airport.”

    • a) while
    • b) when
    • c) though
    • d) and
    • Answer: b) when
  6. Identify the conjunction in this sentence: “No sooner had he arrived ______ the meeting started.”

    • a) when
    • b) than
    • c) since
    • d) so
    • Answer: b) than
  7. Fill in the blank: “We decided to go for a hike ______ the weather was perfect.”

    • a) because
    • b) although
    • c) unless
    • d) so
    • Answer: a) because
  8. Which conjunction pair completes this sentence? “______ did she realize the mistake ______ it was too late.”

    • a) Hardly…when
    • b) No sooner…than
    • c) Neither…nor
    • d) Not only…but also
    • Answer: a) Hardly…when
  9. Choose the correct conjunction: “He will not be able to finish the project on time ______ he gets some help.”

    • a) unless
    • b) if
    • c) but
    • d) so
    • Answer: a) unless
  10. Identify the correct conjunction: “______ it was raining heavily, they decided to continue the match.”

    • a) Despite
    • b) Since
    • c) Even though
    • d) Therefore
    • Answer: c) Even though