English Grammar Quiz - Adverbs

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English Grammar - Adverbs

Table of Contents

Understanding Adverbs in English Grammar - For Intermediate Learners

Adverbs are an essential part of speech in English grammar. They add detail and nuance to our sentences, modifying verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide more information about how, when, where, and to what extent something happens. For intermediate learners from India, mastering adverbs can significantly enhance your English language skills. Let’s delve into the world of adverbs and explore their various types and uses with plenty of examples.

What is an Adverb?

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or even an entire sentence. Adverbs often answer questions like:

  • How? (manner)
  • When? (time)
  • Where? (place)
  • To what extent? (degree)
  • How often? (frequency)

Types of Adverbs

  1. Adverbs of Manner
  2. Adverbs of Time
  3. Adverbs of Place
  4. Adverbs of Degree
  5. Adverbs of Frequency
  6. Interrogative Adverbs
  7. Relative Adverbs
  8. Conjunctive Adverbs

Types of Adverbs Explained

Let’s explore each type with definitions and examples.

1. Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner describe how an action is performed. They usually end in “-ly.”


  • She sings beautifully.

  • He runs quickly.

  • They worked hard.

Note: Not all adverbs of manner end in “-ly.” For example: fast, well, hard.

2. Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of time tell us when an action occurs. They can refer to specific times, durations, or frequencies.


  • She will arrive tomorrow.

  • He finished the project yesterday.

  • They are meeting now.

3. Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place describe where an action takes place.


  • The children are playing outside.

  • She looked everywhere for her keys.

  • The cat is hiding upstairs.

4. Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity or degree of an action, adjective, or another adverb.


  • She was very pleased with the results.

  • He is almost finished with his homework.

  • They were too tired to continue.

5. Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency indicate how often an action occurs.


  • She always eats breakfast.

  • He rarely visits his grandparents.

  • They sometimes go to the cinema.

Common Adverbs of Frequency:

  • Always

  • Usually

  • Frequently

  • Often

  • Sometimes

  • Occasionally

  • Seldom

  • Rarely

  • Never

6. Interrogative Adverbs

Interrogative adverbs are used to ask questions about time, place, manner, or reason.


  • When will you arrive? (time)

  • Where is the meeting? (place)

  • How did you solve the problem? (manner)

  • Why are you late? (reason)

7. Relative Adverbs

Relative adverbs introduce relative clauses, which describe nouns. The main relative adverbs are “where,” “when,” and “why.”


  • This is the place where we met.

  • Do you remember the day when we first met?

  • The reason why he left remains unknown.

8. Conjunctive Adverbs

Conjunctive adverbs connect two independent clauses, showing the relationship between them.


  • She was tired; therefore, she went to bed early.

  • He didn’t study; consequently, he failed the exam.

  • It was raining; however, we still went for a walk.

Position of Adverbs

Adverbs can appear in different positions within a sentence depending on what they modify and the type of adverb.

  1. Beginning of a Sentence:

    • Tomorrow, we will go to the market.
    • Fortunately, the weather was perfect.
  2. Middle of a Sentence (usually after the verb or between the auxiliary verb and main verb):

    • She often visits her grandmother.
    • They are always on time.
  3. End of a Sentence:

    • He ran quickly.
    • She speaks English fluently.

Forming Adverbs

Most adverbs are formed by adding “-ly” to adjectives. However, there are exceptions and irregular forms.


  • Quick (adjective) -> Quickly (adverb)
  • Happy (adjective) -> Happily (adverb)
  • Easy (adjective) -> Easily (adverb)

Irregular Adverbs:

  • Good (adjective) -> Well (adverb)
  • Fast (adjective) -> Fast (adverb)
  • Hard (adjective) -> Hard (adverb)

Common Mistakes with Adverbs

  • Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs:

    • Incorrect: She sings beautiful.
    • Correct: She sings beautifully.
  • Misplacing Adverbs:

    • Incorrect: He speaks fluently English.
    • Correct: He speaks English fluently.
  • Overusing Adverbs:

    • Incorrect: He runs very quickly fast.
    • Correct: He runs very quickly.

Practice Exercises

To solidify your understanding of adverbs, here are some practice exercises:

  1. Identify the Adverbs:

    • The dog barked loudly.
    • She rarely eats sweets.
    • They will arrive soon.
  2. Form Adverbs from Adjectives:

    • Happy -> __________
    • Quick -> __________
    • Easy -> __________
  3. Correct the Mistakes:

    • He drives careful.
    • She sings very good.
    • They worked hardly.


Adverbs are a versatile and vital component of English grammar. They enhance our communication by adding detail and clarity. By understanding and correctly using different types of adverbs, you can improve your English fluency and express yourself more precisely. Keep practicing and incorporating adverbs into your sentences, and you’ll see a noticeable improvement in your language skills.

Following section will have sample sentences having adverbs followed by Sample quizzes for beginners to advanced learners.

Sample Sentences - Easy

Here are 10 easy sentences with the adverbs highlighted:

  1. She sings beautifully.
  2. He runs quickly.
  3. They worked hard.
  4. She will arrive tomorrow.
  5. He finished the project yesterday.
  6. The children are playing outside.
  7. She looked everywhere for her keys.
  8. She was very pleased with the results.
  9. They were too tired to continue.
  10. She always eats breakfast.

Sample Sentences - Complex

Here are some complex sentences with adverbs highlighted, including some sentences with multiple adverbs:

  1. She completed the project extremely quickly, even though it was due yesterday.
  2. Unfortunately, he was quite seriously injured in the accident.
  3. They always leave early because they like to avoid traffic completely.
  4. The presentation went surprisingly well, considering how little he had prepared beforehand.
  5. Typically, she arrives early and leaves very late to finish all her tasks.
  6. He has never been particularly interested in sports, which is why he rarely attends games.
  7. Although she was feeling incredibly tired, she still managed to finish the marathon quickly.
  8. They moved quietly and stealthily through the house to avoid waking anyone.
  9. The chef prepared the dish perfectly, despite having only started cooking it recently.
  10. Because it was raining heavily, they decided to stay indoors and watch a movie together.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Adverbs - Easy

Easy Adverbs Quiz

Question 1: Fill in the blank

  1. She __________ sings in the choir.

    • a) beautiful
    • b) beautifully
    • c) beauty
    • d) beautify

    Correct Answer: b) beautifully

Question 2: Multiple Choice 2. Which word is an adverb?

  • a) quick
  • b) quickly
  • c) quicker
  • d) quickest

Correct Answer: b) quickly

Question 3: True or False 3. The word “fast” can be used as both an adjective and an adverb.

  • a) True
  • b) False

Correct Answer: a) True

Question 4: Identify the adverb 4. Identify the adverb in the following sentence: “He seldom goes to the gym.”

  • a) He
  • b) seldom
  • c) goes
  • d) gym

Correct Answer: b) seldom

Question 5: Fill in the blank 5. She will visit us __________.

  • a) today
  • b) yesterday
  • c) early
  • d) seldom

Correct Answer: a) today

Question 6: Multiple Choice 6. Which sentence correctly uses an adverb?

  • a) She drives careful.
  • b) She drives carefully.
  • c) She careful drives.
  • d) She carefully drive.

Correct Answer: b) She drives carefully.

Question 7: True or False 7. “Often” is an adverb of frequency.

  • a) True
  • b) False

Correct Answer: a) True

Question 8: Fill in the blank 8. They __________ finished their homework before dinner.

  • a) hardly
  • b) hard
  • c) hardily
  • d) harder

Correct Answer: a) hardly

Question 9: Identify the adverb 9. Identify the adverb in the following sentence: “The teacher spoke very clearly.”

  • a) The
  • b) teacher
  • c) very
  • d) clearly

Correct Answer: d) clearly

Question 10: Multiple Choice 10. Which of the following sentences contains an adverb of place?

  • a) She sings beautifully.
  • b) They will come tomorrow.
  • c) He looked everywhere for his keys.
  • d) She is very happy.

Correct Answer: c) He looked everywhere for his keys.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Adverbs - Intermediate

Medium Difficulty Adverbs Quiz

Question 1: Fill in the blank

  1. He speaks English __________ than his brother.

    • a) fluent
    • b) more fluently
    • c) most fluently
    • d) fluently

    Correct Answer: b) more fluently

Question 2: Multiple Choice 2. Which sentence uses the adverb correctly?

  • a) She can play the piano good.
  • b) She can play the piano well.
  • c) She can play the piano better.
  • d) She can play the piano best.

Correct Answer: b) She can play the piano well.

Question 3: True or False 3. The word “soon” is an adverb of manner.

  • a) True
  • b) False

Correct Answer: b) False

Question 4: Identify the adverb 4. Identify the adverb in the following sentence: “She almost always arrives early.”

  • a) She
  • b) almost
  • c) always
  • d) early

Correct Answer: b) almost

Question 5: Fill in the blank 5. The teacher explained the concept __________.

  • a) clear
  • b) clearer
  • c) clearly
  • d) more clearly

Correct Answer: c) clearly

Question 6: Multiple Choice 6. Which adverb best completes the sentence: “He drives __________ in heavy traffic.”

  • a) cautiously
  • b) cautious
  • c) caution
  • d) cautiousness

Correct Answer: a) cautiously

Question 7: True or False 7. The word “yesterday” can be used as both an adverb and a noun.

  • a) True
  • b) False

Correct Answer: a) True

Question 8: Fill in the blank 8. They left the party __________ because they were tired.

  • a) early
  • b) earlier
  • c) earliest
  • d) more early

Correct Answer: a) early

Question 9: Identify the adverbs 9. Identify the adverbs in the following sentence: “She danced very gracefully at the competition.”

  • a) danced, gracefully
  • b) very, gracefully
  • c) very, danced
  • d) gracefully, competition

Correct Answer: b) very, gracefully

Question 10: Multiple Choice 10. Which of the following sentences contains an adverb of degree?

  • a) She spoke softly to the baby.
  • b) He almost finished his work.
  • c) They will arrive soon.
  • d) She is waiting outside.

Correct Answer: b) He almost finished his work.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Adverbs - Advanced

Complex Adverbs Quiz

Question 1: Fill in the blank

  1. He __________ finishes his work on time, but he __________ stays late to help his colleagues.

    • a) always, sometimes
    • b) seldom, frequently
    • c) never, rarely
    • d) usually, hardly

    Correct Answer: b) seldom, frequently

Question 2: Multiple Choice 2. Which sentence contains an adverb modifying another adverb?

  • a) She sang beautifully.
  • b) He ran very quickly.
  • c) They spoke softly.
  • d) She danced gracefully.

Correct Answer: b) He ran very quickly.

Question 3: True or False 3. In the sentence “She can sing quite beautifully,” the word “quite” is an adverb of degree modifying the adverb “beautifully.”

  • a) True
  • b) False

Correct Answer: a) True

Question 4: Identify the adverb 4. Identify the adverb in the following sentence and determine its type: “Surprisingly, he answered the question correctly.”

  • a) Surprisingly (adverb of manner)
  • b) Surprisingly (conjunctive adverb)
  • c) correctly (adverb of manner)
  • d) correctly (adverb of degree)

Correct Answer: b) Surprisingly (conjunctive adverb)

Question 5: Fill in the blank 5. The athlete performed __________ well, which was __________ expected.

  • a) surprisingly, totally
  • b) very, highly
  • c) exceptionally, totally
  • d) extremely, more

Correct Answer: c) exceptionally, totally

Question 6: Multiple Choice 6. Which sentence correctly uses a relative adverb?

  • a) This is the place when we met.
  • b) This is the place where we met.
  • c) This is the place why we met.
  • d) This is the place how we met.

Correct Answer: b) This is the place where we met.

Question 7: True or False 7. The sentence “She never eats breakfast before leaving for work” contains an adverb of frequency and an adverb of time.

  • a) True
  • b) False

Correct Answer: a) True

Question 8: Identify the adverbial phrase 8. Identify the adverbial phrase in the following sentence: “He will finish the project by tomorrow.”

  • a) will finish
  • b) the project
  • c) by tomorrow
  • d) finish

Correct Answer: c) by tomorrow

Question 9: Choose the correct sentence 9. Choose the sentence that correctly uses an adverb of manner and an adverb of frequency.

  • a) He drives carefully always.
  • b) Always he drives carefully.
  • c) He always drives carefully.
  • d) Carefully he always drives.

Correct Answer: c) He always drives carefully.

Question 10: Fill in the blank 10. The experiment was __________ successful, and the results were __________ clear. – a) highly, quite – b) much, very – c) extremely, too – d) somewhat, almost

 Correct Answer: a) highly, quite