English Grammar Quiz - Adjectives

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English Grammar - Adjectives - Easy

10 Questions  ⦿  10 Minutes

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1 / 10

1. Statement based :

Select the adjective: "The old man walked slowly."

2 / 10

2. Statement based:

Pick the adjective: "The tall man reached the top shelf."

3 / 10

3. Fill in the blanks :

She bought a _____ dress for the party.

4 / 10

4. Statement-Based Questions:

Which word is an adjective: "She has long hair."

5 / 10

5. Statement based :

Find the adjective: "The cool breeze felt refreshing."

6 / 10

6. Statement based :

Which word is an adjective: "The narrow path led to the village."

7 / 10

7. Fill in the blanks :

He gave a _____ speech at the function.

8 / 10

8. True or False:

The word "green" is an adjective in the sentence:

"The green grass was wet with dew."

9 / 10

9. Fill in the blanks :

She has a _____ voice.


10 / 10

10. Fill in the blanks :

The _____ sky looked beautiful at sunset.

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English Grammar - Adjectives

Table of Contents

Understanding Adjectives in English Grammar

Adjectives are an essential part of English grammar. They help us describe and give more information about nouns (people, places, things, or ideas). For beginner learners, especially those from India, understanding adjectives can significantly improve your ability to express yourself in English. Let’s explore adjectives in a simple and comprehensive manner with plenty of examples.

What is an Adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun. It provides more details about the noun, making the meaning more precise. For example, in the sentence “She has a beautiful dress,” the word “beautiful” is an adjective that describes the dress.


Types of Adjectives

  • Descriptive Adjectives: These adjectives describe the qualities or states of being of nouns. They answer the question “What kind?”

    • Examples:
      • The red apple is sweet.
      • He is a tall boy.
      • She has curly hair.
  • Quantitative Adjectives: These adjectives describe the quantity of something. They answer the question “How much?” or “How many?”

    • Examples:
      • I have three books.
      • There is some milk in the fridge.
      • She needs a lot of sugar.
  • Demonstrative Adjectives: These adjectives point out specific nouns. They answer the question “Which one?”

    • Examples:
      • This car is fast.
      • Those flowers are beautiful.
      • That house is big.
  • Possessive Adjectives: These adjectives show possession or ownership. They answer the question “Whose?”

    • Examples:
      • My dog is cute.
      • His laptop is new.
      • Their house is large.
  • Interrogative Adjectives: These adjectives are used to ask questions. They are used with nouns to inquire more information.

    • Examples:
      • Which color do you like?
      • What book are you reading?
      • Whose pen is this?
  • Comparative and Superlative Adjectives: These adjectives are used to compare two or more things.

    • Comparative: Used to compare two things, often ending in “-er” or using “more.”
      • Examples:
        • She is taller than her brother.
        • This book is more interesting than the other.
    • Superlative: Used to compare three or more things, often ending in “-est” or using “most.”
      • Examples:
        • He is the tallest in the class.
        • This is the most beautiful painting.

Forming Adjectives

  • From Nouns: Many adjectives are formed from nouns.

    • Example:
      • Beauty (noun) -> Beautiful (adjective)
      • Danger (noun) -> Dangerous (adjective)
  • From Verbs: Some adjectives are formed from verbs.

    • Example:
      • Talk (verb) -> Talkative (adjective)
      • Create (verb) -> Creative (adjective)
  • From Other Adjectives: Adjectives can also be formed by adding prefixes or suffixes to other adjectives.

    • Example:
      • Happy -> Unhappy
      • Possible -> Impossible

Using Adjectives in Sentences

Adjectives are usually placed before the nouns they modify, but they can also follow the noun if linked by a verb (usually a form of “to be”).

  • Before the Noun:

    • She wore a red dress.
    • He is a brave soldier.
  • After the Noun:

    • The sky is blue.
    • The food tastes delicious.

Adjective Order

When using multiple adjectives, they often follow a particular order in English:

  1. Quantity or number
  2. Quality or opinion
  3. Size
  4. Age
  5. Shape
  6. Color
  7. Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
  8. Purpose or qualifier

For example:

  • She has three small round red Indian marble statues.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Word Order: Be mindful of the order of adjectives when using multiple adjectives.

    • Incorrect: She bought a red big beautiful car.
    • Correct: She bought a beautiful big red car.
  • Comparative and Superlative Forms: Use the correct form of adjectives when comparing.

    • Incorrect: She is more taller than her sister.
    • Correct: She is taller than her sister.

Summary & Practice

To get better at using adjectives, practice by describing things around you. For example, describe your favorite food, a place you like to visit, or your best friend using as many adjectives as you can.

  • My favorite food is a delicious spicy Indian curry.
  • The park near my house is large, green, and beautiful.
  • My best friend is kind, intelligent, and funny.

Adjectives are powerful tools in English that help you add color and detail to your sentences. By understanding and using adjectives correctly, you can make your communication more effective and engaging. Keep practicing, and soon you will find it easier to describe the world around you in English!

Sample Sentences with highlighted Adjectives

Here are 10 easy sentences with the adjectives highlighted:

  1. The blue sky is clear today.
  2. She has a cute puppy.
  3. He wore a red shirt to the party.
  4. The tall building can be seen from far away.
  5. My new phone has many features.
  6. The delicious cake was baked by my mother.
  7. They live in a big house.
  8. The happy children played in the park.
  9. He bought a fast car.
  10. The old tree has many branches.

In each sentence, the highlighted words (bolded) are adjectives that describe the nouns they modify.

Complex sentences with highlighted Adjectives.

Here are 10 complex sentences with multiple adjectives highlighted:

  1. The old, dusty book lay on the wooden table.
  2. She wore a beautiful, red dress to the elegant party.
  3. The tall, young man drove a shiny, black car.
  4. They bought a spacious, modern apartment in the bustling city.
  5. The small, curly dog barked at the noisy, yellow bus.
  6. He admired the bright, colorful flowers in the well-kept garden.
  7. The ancient, stone castle stood on a lonely, windswept hill.
  8. She received a beautiful, handmade necklace for her special birthday.
  9. The delicious, spicy Indian curry was served in a large, silver bowl.
  10. The dark, stormy night was filled with the sounds of howling wind and crashing thunder.

In each sentence, the highlighted words (bolded) are adjectives that describe the nouns they modify.

Sample Quiz on Adjectives - Easy one.

Adjective Quiz for Beginners

Question 1: Fill in the Blank

  1. The _______ cat is sleeping on the sofa.
    • a) big
    • b) runs
    • c) beautifully
    • d) quickly
    • Correct Answer: a) big

Question 2: Multiple Choice

  1. Which word is an adjective in the sentence: “She wore a beautiful dress”?
    • a) She
    • b) wore
    • c) dress
    • d) beautiful
    • Correct Answer: d) beautiful

Question 3: True or False

  1. In the sentence “He has a new bicycle,” the word “new” is an adjective.
    • a) True
    • b) False
    • Correct Answer: a) True

Question 4: Fill in the Blank

  1. The _______ flowers are blooming in the garden.
    • a) beautiful
    • b) run
    • c) singing
    • d) happily
    • Correct Answer: a) beautiful

Question 5: Multiple Choice

  1. Which of the following is a descriptive adjective?
    • a) quickly
    • b) beautiful
    • c) running
    • d) and
    • Correct Answer: b) beautiful

Question 6: True or False

  1. In the sentence “The old man walked slowly,” the word “slowly” is an adjective.
    • a) True
    • b) False
    • Correct Answer: b) False

Question 7: Fill in the Blank

  1. She has _______ apples in her basket.
    • a) five
    • b) ran
    • c) very
    • d) below
    • Correct Answer: a) five

Question 8: Multiple Choice

  1. Which word is an adjective in the sentence: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”?
    • a) jumps
    • b) over
    • c) fox
    • d) quick
    • Correct Answer: d) quick

Question 9: True or False

  1. In the sentence “They live in a large house,” the word “large” is an adjective.
    • a) True
    • b) False
    • Correct Answer: a) True

Question 10: Fill in the Blank

  1. The _______ sky turned dark as the storm approached.
    • a) happy
    • b) blue
    • c) sings
    • d) quickly
    • Correct Answer: b) blue

This quiz covers a variety of question types to help reinforce the understanding of adjectives.

Sample Quiz on Adjectives - Intermediate difficulty

Medium Difficulty Adjective Quiz

Question 1: Multiple Choice

  1. Which sentence correctly uses the comparative form of the adjective “tall”?
    • a) She is more tall than her sister.
    • b) She is tallest than her sister.
    • c) She is taller than her sister.
    • d) She is the tall than her sister.
    • Correct Answer: c) She is taller than her sister.

Question 2: Fill in the Blank

  1. The cake tasted _______ because it was made with fresh ingredients.
    • a) bitter
    • b) delicious
    • c) slowly
    • d) loud
    • Correct Answer: b) delicious

Question 3: True or False

  1. In the sentence “The sky was filled with bright, twinkling stars,” both “bright” and “twinkling” are adjectives.
    • a) True
    • b) False
    • Correct Answer: a) True

Question 4: Multiple Choice

  1. Which sentence correctly uses an adjective to describe the noun?
    • a) The dog barks loudly.
    • b) The red ball is on the table.
    • c) She sings beautifully.
    • d) He runs quickly.
    • Correct Answer: b) The red ball is on the table.

Question 5: Fill in the Blank

  1. The _______ mountains were covered in snow.
    • a) running
    • b) high
    • c) quick
    • d) sweet
    • Correct Answer: b) high

Question 6: True or False

  1. In the sentence “The large, green leaves rustled in the wind,” the words “large” and “green” are adverbs.
    • a) True
    • b) False
    • Correct Answer: b) False

Question 7: Multiple Choice

  1. Which word is an adjective in the sentence: “They enjoyed a peaceful afternoon by the lake”?
    • a) enjoyed
    • b) peaceful
    • c) afternoon
    • d) by
    • Correct Answer: b) peaceful

Question 8: Fill in the Blank

  1. The _______ cat quickly climbed the tree.
    • a) fast
    • b) orange
    • c) loudly
    • d) very
    • Correct Answer: b) orange

Question 9: Multiple Choice

  1. Which sentence uses a possessive adjective correctly?
    • a) Her is my friend.
    • b) Hers book is on the table.
    • c) This is their house.
    • d) Him bike is new.
    • Correct Answer: c) This is their house.

Question 10: Fill in the Blank

  1. The movie was _______ than I expected.
    • a) more interesting
    • b) interestingest
    • c) most interesting
    • d) interestingly
    • Correct Answer: a) more interesting

This medium difficulty quiz includes a mix of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true/false questions to challenge learners’ understanding of adjectives.

Sample Quiz on Adjectives - for Advanced Learners

Advanced Adjective Quiz

Question 1: Multiple Choice

  1. Which sentence correctly uses an attributive adjective?
    • a) The soup tastes good.
    • b) The old, dusty book was found in the attic.
    • c) She ran quickly.
    • d) He spoke softly.
    • Correct Answer: b) The old, dusty book was found in the attic.

Question 2: Fill in the Blank

  1. The _______ student, who was _______ in mathematics, won the scholarship.
    • a) diligent; skilled
    • b) diligently; skilled
    • c) diligent; skillful
    • d) diligently; skillfully
    • Correct Answer: a) diligent; skilled

Question 3: True or False

  1. In the sentence “The project requires thorough planning and consistent effort,” the words “thorough” and “consistent” are adjectives.
    • a) True
    • b) False
    • Correct Answer: a) True

Question 4: Multiple Choice

  1. Which sentence uses a coordinate adjective pair correctly?
    • a) He bought a small blue car.
    • b) She has a big old house.
    • c) It was a long, tiring journey.
    • d) They live in a red brick house.
    • Correct Answer: c) It was a long, tiring journey.

Question 5: Fill in the Blank

  1. The _______ musician, known for his _______ compositions, performed at the concert.
    • a) talented; innovative
    • b) talented; innovatively
    • c) talent; innovative
    • d) talent; innovatively
    • Correct Answer: a) talented; innovative

Question 6: True or False

  1. In the sentence “She wore a bright red and white dress,” “bright” modifies both “red” and “white.”
    • a) True
    • b) False
    • Correct Answer: b) False

Question 7: Multiple Choice

  1. Which sentence uses a proper adjective correctly?
    • a) We enjoyed the Italian cuisine.
    • b) She is a Indian dancer.
    • c) He likes the Japan culture.
    • d) They visited the french restaurant.
    • Correct Answer: a) We enjoyed the Italian cuisine.

Question 8: Fill in the Blank

  1. The _______ author, whose books are _______ read worldwide, received a prestigious award.
    • a) renowned; widely
    • b) renowned; wide
    • c) renown; widely
    • d) renown; wide
    • Correct Answer: a) renowned; widely

Question 9: Multiple Choice

  1. Identify the sentence that uses a limiting adjective.
    • a) She found several mistakes in the report.
    • b) The flowers in the garden are blooming.
    • c) He gave a quick response.
    • d) They have enough time to finish the project.
    • Correct Answer: d) They have enough time to finish the project.

Question 10: Fill in the Blank

  1. The _______ lecture, delivered by the _______ professor, was well-received by the audience.
    • a) informative; eminent
    • b) informatively; eminently
    • c) informative; eminently
    • d) informatively; eminent
    • Correct Answer: a) informative; eminent

This advanced quiz challenges learners with more complex concepts, including attributive and coordinate adjectives, proper adjectives, and limiting adjectives, using a mix of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true/false questions.