English Grammar Quiz - Active & Passive Voice

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English Grammar - Active & Passive Voice

Table of Contents

Active and Passive Voice in English Grammar: A Comprehensive Guide for Intermediate Learners from India

Understanding the active and passive voice is essential for mastering English grammar. These two voices can change the emphasis of a sentence, impacting clarity and focus. This guide will help you understand the differences, uses, and formation of both voices with detailed explanations and examples.

In summary, there are two voices in English language:

  • Active Voice
  • passive Voice

Let’s have a detailed understanding of both these voices.

What is Active Voice?

In active voice sentences, the subject performs the action expressed by the verb. Active voice is direct, clear, and concise, making it easier to understand.

Structure of Active Voice: Subject + Verb + Object


  • The cat (subject) chased (verb) the mouse (object).
  • Ramesh (subject) wrote (verb) a letter (object).
  • The teacher (subject) explained (verb) the lesson (object).

What is Passive Voice?

In passive voice sentences, the action’s recipient becomes the subject, and the performer of the action is either omitted or included at the end of the sentence using “by.”

Structure of Passive Voice: Subject + Form of “be” + Past Participle + (Optional: by + Agent)


  • The mouse (subject) was chased (verb) by the cat (agent).
  • A letter (subject) was written (verb) by Ramesh (agent).
  • The lesson (subject) was explained (verb) by the teacher (agent).

When to Use Active and Passive Voice

Active Voice:

  • When the subject’s action is more important than the object.
  • For clarity and directness.
  • In most writing, such as essays, articles, and reports.

Passive Voice:

  • When the action’s recipient is more important than the performer.
  • When the performer is unknown or irrelevant.
  • In scientific or technical writing, where the process or result is more important than the performer.

Forming Passive Voice

To form the passive voice, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the object of the active sentence.
  2. Make the object the subject of the passive sentence.
  3. Use the appropriate form of the verb “be” followed by the past participle of the main verb.
  4. Optionally, include the performer of the action preceded by “by.”

Examples of Active and Passive Voices

Present Simple:

  • Active: The chef cooks the meal.
  • Passive: The meal is cooked by the chef.

Past Simple:

  • Active: The police arrested the thief.
  • Passive: The thief was arrested by the police.

Future Simple:

  • Active: The company will launch a new product.
  • Passive: A new product will be launched by the company.

Present Continuous:

  • Active: The artist is painting a portrait.
  • Passive: A portrait is being painted by the artist.

Past Continuous:

  • Active: The children were playing football.
  • Passive: Football was being played by the children.

Present Perfect:

  • Active: The manager has approved the proposal.
  • Passive: The proposal has been approved by the manager.

Past Perfect:

  • Active: The scientist had discovered a new element.
  • Passive: A new element had been discovered by the scientist.

Future Perfect:

  • Active: The builders will have completed the project by next month.
  • Passive: The project will have been completed by next month.

Passive Voice with Modals

When using modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would) in passive voice, follow this structure:

Modal + be + Past Participle


  • Active: You can solve the problem.

  • Passive: The problem can be solved.

  • Active: She should submit the report.

  • Passive: The report should be submitted.

Examples of Active and Passive Voice in Different Contexts

Formal Writing:

  • Active: The committee reviewed the application.
  • Passive: The application was reviewed by the committee.

Scientific Writing:

  • Active: Researchers conducted the experiment.
  • Passive: The experiment was conducted by researchers.

News Reports:

  • Active: The hurricane damaged the coastal areas.
  • Passive: The coastal areas were damaged by the hurricane.

Historical Writing:

  • Active: The king founded the dynasty.
  • Passive: The dynasty was founded by the king.

Passive Voice in Questions

To form passive voice questions, place the appropriate form of “be” before the subject.


  • Active: Did the team complete the project?

  • Passive: Was the project completed by the team?

  • Active: Will they announce the results today?

  • Passive: Will the results be announced today?

Common Mistakes and Tips

Overusing Passive Voice: While passive voice is useful, overusing it can make your writing less engaging. Prefer active voice for more dynamic and clear sentences.

2. Incorrect Form of “Be”: Ensure you use the correct tense of the verb “be” to match the tense of the original sentence.

3. Missing the Agent: Sometimes, the performer of the action (agent) is necessary for clarity. Include “by + agent” when needed.

4. Misplacing the Subject: In passive voice, the original object becomes the subject. Be careful to keep the new subject in the correct position.

Exercises for Practice

Convert the following active sentences to passive voice:

  1. The students completed the assignment.
  2. The chef is preparing the meal.
  3. They will announce the winner tomorrow.
  4. The company has launched a new product.
  5. The painter was painting the wall.


  1. The assignment was completed by the students.
  2. The meal is being prepared by the chef.
  3. The winner will be announced tomorrow.
  4. A new product has been launched by the company.
  5. The wall was being painted by the painter.

Understanding and practicing the active and passive voice will enhance your writing skills, making your communication clearer and more effective. Keep practicing and applying these principles to become more proficient in English grammar.

Sample sentences in English with Active and Passive voices:

Here are 10 easy sentences with the active and passive voice highlighted at the end of each sentence.

  1. The dog chased the cat. (Active)
  2. The cat was chased by the dog. (Passive)
  3. She reads a book every evening. (Active)
  4. A book is read by her every evening. (Passive)
  5. The chef cooked a delicious meal. (Active)
  6. A delicious meal was cooked by the chef. (Passive)
  7. The teacher helps the students. (Active)
  8. The students are helped by the teacher. (Passive)
  9. They cleaned the room. (Active)
  10. The room was cleaned by them. (Passive)

Complex sentences in English with Active and Passive voices:

Here are 10 advanced complex sentences with the active and passive voice highlighted at the end of each sentence.

  1. The committee, after much deliberation, decided to approve the new policy. (Active)
  2. The new policy, after much deliberation, was approved by the committee. (Passive)
  3. The researchers, who had been studying the phenomenon for years, finally made a breakthrough. (Active)
  4. A breakthrough was finally made by the researchers, who had been studying the phenomenon for years. (Passive)
  5. The novel, which the author had been working on for a decade, received critical acclaim upon its release. (Active)
  6. Critical acclaim was received by the novel, which the author had been working on for a decade, upon its release. (Passive)
  7. When the CEO announced the merger, the employees expressed their concerns. (Active)
  8. When the merger was announced by the CEO, concerns were expressed by the employees. (Passive)
  9. Despite facing numerous obstacles, the team managed to complete the project ahead of schedule. (Active)
  10. Despite facing numerous obstacles, the project was completed ahead of schedule by the team. (Passive)

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Active & Passive Voice - EASY

Here are 10 easy quiz questions on Active and Passive voice with 4 answer options and the correct answer provided after each question.

  1. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The cat chased the mouse.
    b) The mouse was chased by the cat.
    c) The cat was chasing the mouse.
    d) The mouse will chase the cat.
    Correct answer: b) The mouse was chased by the cat.

  2. Convert to passive voice: “She writes a letter.” a) A letter is writing by her.
    b) A letter was written by her.
    c) A letter is written by her.
    d) A letter wrote by her.
    Correct answer: c) A letter is written by her.

  3. Identify the active voice sentence: a) The cake was baked by the chef.
    b) The chef bakes the cake.
    c) The cake is being baked by the chef.
    d) The cake has been baked by the chef.
    Correct answer: b) The chef bakes the cake.

  4. Convert to passive voice: “They are building a new school.” a) A new school is built by them.
    b) A new school was built by them.
    c) A new school is being built by them.
    d) A new school will be built by them.
    Correct answer: c) A new school is being built by them.

  5. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The students are taking the test.
    b) The teacher gives the test.
    c) The test is being taken by the students.
    d) The students took the test.
    Correct answer: c) The test is being taken by the students.

  6. Convert to active voice: “The song was sung by the choir.” a) The choir sings the song.
    b) The choir is singing the song.
    c) The choir sung the song.
    d) The choir sang the song.
    Correct answer: d) The choir sang the song.

  7. Identify the active voice sentence: a) The report is written by him.
    b) He writes the report.
    c) The report was written by him.
    d) The report has been written by him.
    Correct answer: b) He writes the report.

  8. Convert to passive voice: “The gardener waters the plants every morning.” a) The plants are watered by the gardener every morning.
    b) The plants were watered by the gardener every morning.
    c) The plants is being watered by the gardener every morning.
    d) The plants will be watered by the gardener every morning.
    Correct answer: a) The plants are watered by the gardener every morning.

  9. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The children played the game.
    b) The game is played by the children.
    c) The children are playing the game.
    d) The children will play the game.
    Correct answer: b) The game is played by the children.

  10. Convert to active voice: “The decision was made by the manager.” a) The manager makes the decision.
    b) The manager made the decision.
    c) The manager is making the decision.
    d) The manager will make the decision.
    Correct answer: b) The manager made the decision.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Active & Passive Voice - MEDIUM

Here are 10 medium difficulty quiz questions on Active and Passive voice with 4 answer options and the correct answer provided after each question.

  1. Convert to passive voice: “The engineer will design the new bridge.” a) The new bridge is designed by the engineer.
    b) The new bridge will be designed by the engineer.
    c) The new bridge was designed by the engineer.
    d) The new bridge is being designed by the engineer.
    Correct answer: b) The new bridge will be designed by the engineer.

  2. Identify the active voice sentence: a) The document is being reviewed by the lawyer.
    b) The document has been reviewed by the lawyer.
    c) The lawyer reviews the document.
    d) The document was reviewed by the lawyer.
    Correct answer: c) The lawyer reviews the document.

  3. Convert to active voice: “The proposal was rejected by the committee.” a) The committee is rejecting the proposal.
    b) The committee rejects the proposal.
    c) The committee has rejected the proposal.
    d) The committee rejected the proposal.
    Correct answer: d) The committee rejected the proposal.

  4. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The artist painted the portrait.
    b) The artist is painting the portrait.
    c) The portrait is painted by the artist.
    d) The portrait will be painted by the artist.
    Correct answer: d) The portrait will be painted by the artist.

  5. Convert to passive voice: “They have completed the project on time.” a) The project was completed on time.
    b) The project has been completed on time by them.
    c) The project is completed on time by them.
    d) The project will be completed on time by them.
    Correct answer: b) The project has been completed on time by them.

  6. Identify the active voice sentence: a) The book was being read by the student.
    b) The student reads the book.
    c) The book has been read by the student.
    d) The book will be read by the student.
    Correct answer: b) The student reads the book.

  7. Convert to active voice: “The room is cleaned by the maid every day.” a) The maid has cleaned the room every day.
    b) The maid is cleaning the room every day.
    c) The maid cleans the room every day.
    d) The maid will clean the room every day.
    Correct answer: c) The maid cleans the room every day.

  8. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The chef will prepare the meal.
    b) The chef is preparing the meal.
    c) The meal is being prepared by the chef.
    d) The chef has prepared the meal.
    Correct answer: c) The meal is being prepared by the chef.

  9. Convert to passive voice: “The teacher had explained the lesson before the bell rang.” a) The lesson had been explained by the teacher before the bell rang.
    b) The lesson is explained by the teacher before the bell rang.
    c) The lesson was explained by the teacher before the bell rang.
    d) The lesson has been explained by the teacher before the bell rang.
    Correct answer: a) The lesson had been explained by the teacher before the bell rang.

  10. Identify the active voice sentence: a) The project was approved by the manager.
    b) The project is being approved by the manager.
    c) The manager approves the project.
    d) The project had been approved by the manager.
    Correct answer: c) The manager approves the project.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Active & Passive Voice - DIFFICULT

Here are 10 advanced quiz questions on Active and Passive voice with 4 answer options and the correct answer provided after each question.

  1. Convert to passive voice: “The board had been discussing the new policy for hours.” a) The new policy was discussed by the board for hours.
    b) The new policy has been discussed by the board for hours.
    c) The new policy had been discussed by the board for hours.
    d) The new policy is being discussed by the board for hours.
    Correct answer: c) The new policy had been discussed by the board for hours.

  2. Identify the active voice sentence: a) The changes will have been implemented by the time you return.
    b) The team will have implemented the changes by the time you return.
    c) The changes were being implemented by the team.
    d) The changes have been implemented by the team.
    Correct answer: b) The team will have implemented the changes by the time you return.

  3. Convert to active voice: “The results are expected to be announced by the end of the day.” a) The committee will announce the results by the end of the day.
    b) The committee is announcing the results by the end of the day.
    c) The committee has announced the results by the end of the day.
    d) The committee was announcing the results by the end of the day.
    Correct answer: a) The committee will announce the results by the end of the day.

  4. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The teacher might have graded the exams by now.
    b) The exams might have been graded by now.
    c) The teacher has been grading the exams.
    d) The exams are being graded by the teacher.
    Correct answer: b) The exams might have been graded by now.

  5. Convert to passive voice: “They will have completed the construction by next year.” a) The construction has been completed by next year.
    b) The construction will have been completed by next year.
    c) The construction is completed by next year.
    d) The construction was completed by next year.
    Correct answer: b) The construction will have been completed by next year.

  6. Identify the active voice sentence: a) The final decision will be made by the board of directors.
    b) The final decision has been made by the board of directors.
    c) The board of directors will make the final decision.
    d) The final decision is being made by the board of directors.
    Correct answer: c) The board of directors will make the final decision.

  7. Convert to active voice: “By the time the meeting ended, the proposal had been revised multiple times by the committee.” a) By the time the meeting ended, the committee has revised the proposal multiple times.
    b) By the time the meeting ended, the committee had revised the proposal multiple times.
    c) By the time the meeting ended, the proposal is revised multiple times by the committee.
    d) By the time the meeting ended, the committee was revising the proposal multiple times.
    Correct answer: b) By the time the meeting ended, the committee had revised the proposal multiple times.

  8. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The researchers are conducting a thorough investigation.
    b) A thorough investigation is being conducted by the researchers.
    c) The researchers conducted a thorough investigation.
    d) A thorough investigation will be conducted by the researchers.
    Correct answer: b) A thorough investigation is being conducted by the researchers.

  9. Convert to active voice: “The issue of climate change is being addressed by scientists worldwide.” a) Scientists worldwide address the issue of climate change.
    b) Scientists worldwide have addressed the issue of climate change.
    c) Scientists worldwide are addressing the issue of climate change.
    d) Scientists worldwide will address the issue of climate change.
    Correct answer: c) Scientists worldwide are addressing the issue of climate change.

  10. Identify the passive voice sentence: a) The company will have launched the new product by the end of the quarter.
    b) The new product will have been launched by the company by the end of the quarter.
    c) The company launched the new product by the end of the quarter.
    d) The new product was being launched by the company by the end of the quarter.
    Correct answer: b) The new product will have been launched by the company by the end of the quarter.