English Grammar Quiz - Active & Passive Voice

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English Grammar Active & Passive Voice - Easy

10 Questions  ⦿  10 Minutes

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1 / 10

1. Multiple Choice :

Which of the following sentences is in passive voice?

2 / 10

2. Real-World Application  : 

Identify the passive voice sentence commonly used in official notices: "We will issue the certificates."

3 / 10

3. Error Identification and Correction Question:

Find the error in the sentence and correct it: "The dinner is being cook by my mother."

4 / 10

4. True or False:

In passive voice, the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.

5 / 10

5. Fill in the Blanks :

The letter __________ by the teacher yesterday.

6 / 10

6. Analyzing Usage :

Identify the sentence in passive voice.

7 / 10

7. True or False:

Passive voice is rarely used in scientific writing.

8 / 10

8. Fill in the Blanks:

The match __________ by the team yesterday.

9 / 10

9. Comparative and Superlative:

Which sentence correctly uses a comparative in passive voice?

10 / 10

10. Real-World Application :

Identify the passive voice sentence commonly used in news reports: "The police have arrested the suspect."

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English Grammar - Active & Passive Voice

Table of Contents

Understanding Active and Passive Voice in English Grammar.

Active and passive voice are two ways of structuring sentences in English. Understanding these voices is crucial for mastering the language, especially for beginners. This article will provide an exhaustive guide to active and passive voice, complete with examples to illustrate their usage.


What is Active Voice?

In active voice sentences, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed by the verb. Active voice is direct, clear, and often more engaging.

Structure of Active Voice

The basic structure of an active voice sentence is: Subject + Verb + Object

Examples of Active Voice

  1. Simple Present Tense

    • She writes a letter.
    • They play cricket.
  2. Present Continuous Tense

    • He is reading a book.
    • We are watching a movie.
  3. Simple Past Tense

    • The teacher explained the lesson.
    • The cat chased the mouse.
  4. Past Continuous Tense

    • She was singing a song.
    • They were discussing the project.
  5. Simple Future Tense

    • He will deliver the speech.
    • We will attend the meeting.

What is Passive Voice?

In passive voice sentences, the subject is acted upon by the verb. Passive voice can be useful when the focus is on the action or the recipient of the action rather than the doer.

Structure of Passive Voice

The basic structure of a passive voice sentence is: Object of Active Sentence + Auxiliary Verb (to be) + Past Participle + (by + Subject of Active Sentence)

Examples of Passive Voice

  1. Simple Present Tense

    • A letter is written by her.
    • Cricket is played by them.
  2. Present Continuous Tense

    • A book is being read by him.
    • A movie is being watched by us.
  3. Simple Past Tense

    • The lesson was explained by the teacher.
    • The mouse was chased by the cat.
  4. Past Continuous Tense

    • A song was being sung by her.
    • The project was being discussed by them.
  5. Simple Future Tense

    • The speech will be delivered by him.
    • The meeting will be attended by us.

Conversion from Active to Passive Voice

To convert a sentence from active to passive voice, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the subject, verb, and object in the active sentence.
  2. Move the object to the beginning of the sentence to become the new subject.
  3. Change the verb to the passive form (appropriate form of “to be” + past participle of the main verb).
  4. Add the original subject at the end of the sentence preceded by “by” (optional if the doer is unknown or unimportant).

Examples of Conversion

  1. Active: The chef cooks the meal. Passive: The meal is cooked by the chef.

  2. Active: The dog bit the boy. Passive: The boy was bitten by the dog.

  3. Active: The company will launch a new product. Passive: A new product will be launched by the company.

  4. Active: The artist is painting a picture. Passive: A picture is being painted by the artist.

  5. Active: The manager has approved the request. Passive: The request has been approved by the manager.

When to Use Passive Voice

Passive voice is often used in the following situations:

  1. When the doer is unknown or unimportant:

    • The window was broken. (Unknown doer)
    • The cake was eaten. (Unimportant who ate it)
  2. When the focus is on the action or result:

    • The project was completed on time.
    • The novel was published last year.
  3. In formal or scientific writing:

    • The experiment was conducted over a period of six months.
    • The findings were analyzed carefully.

Tips for Using Active and Passive Voice

  • Prefer active voice for clarity and directness, especially in casual and conversational writing.
  • Use passive voice sparingly, mainly when the action or recipient of the action is more important than the doer.
  • Maintain consistency within a paragraph or section, avoiding unnecessary shifts between active and passive voice.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

  • Overusing passive voice: While passive voice has its place, overusing it can make your writing dull and difficult to read. Aim for a balance.

    • Avoid: The ball was thrown by John, and the catch was made by Sarah.
    • Better: John threw the ball, and Sarah caught it.
  • Incorrect verb forms: Ensure you use the correct form of “to be” and the past participle of the main verb in passive voice.

    • Incorrect: The homework was do by the student.
    • Correct: The homework was done by the student.
  • Unnecessary use of “by”: If the doer is unknown, irrelevant, or obvious, omit the “by” phrase.

    • Avoid: The cake was baked by someone.
    • Better: The cake was baked.

Practice Exercises

Convert the following active sentences to passive voice:

  1. Active: The gardener waters the plants.

    • Passive: The plants are watered by the gardener.
  2. Active: The police caught the thief.

    • Passive: The thief was caught by the police.
  3. Active: The students are presenting their projects.

    • Passive: The projects are being presented by the students.
  4. Active: The chef has prepared the meal.

    • Passive: The meal has been prepared by the chef.
  5. Active: The government will implement new policies.

    • Passive: New policies will be implemented by the government.

Convert the following passive sentences to active voice:

  1. Passive: The song was sung by the choir.

    • Active: The choir sang the song.
  2. Passive: The letter is being written by John.

    • Active: John is writing the letter.
  3. Passive: The homework has been finished by the student.

    • Active: The student has finished the homework.
  4. Passive: The cake will be decorated by the baker.

    • Active: The baker will decorate the cake.
  5. Passive: The project was completed by the team.

    • Active: The team completed the project.


Understanding and mastering active and passive voice is essential for effective communication in English. Active voice makes your writing clear and engaging, while passive voice can be useful in specific contexts where the action or recipient is more important than the doer. By practicing the conversion between active and passive voice and using them appropriately, you can enhance your writing skills and convey your message more effectively.

Feel free to revisit this guide as you practice, and soon, using active and passive voice will become second nature to you.

Sample sentences in English, highlighting Active & Passive Voice - Easy

Sure! Here are 10 easy sentences with the active and passive voice highlighted at the end of each sentence.

  1. Active: The cat chases the mouse. (Active)

    • Passive: The mouse is chased by the cat. (Passive)
  2. Active: The teacher explains the lesson. (Active)

    • Passive: The lesson is explained by the teacher. (Passive)
  3. Active: She reads a book. (Active)

    • Passive: A book is read by her. (Passive)
  4. Active: The chef cooks the meal. (Active)

    • Passive: The meal is cooked by the chef. (Passive)
  5. Active: The dog bit the boy. (Active)

    • Passive: The boy was bitten by the dog. (Passive)
  6. Active: They play cricket. (Active)

    • Passive: Cricket is played by them. (Passive)
  7. Active: The artist is painting a picture. (Active)

    • Passive: A picture is being painted by the artist. (Passive)
  8. Active: The manager will approve the request. (Active)

    • Passive: The request will be approved by the manager. (Passive)
  9. Active: The students are writing essays. (Active)

    • Passive: Essays are being written by the students. (Passive)
  10. Active: The company launched a new product. (Active)

    • Passive: A new product was launched by the company. (Passive)

Sample sentences in English, highlighting Active & Passive Voice - Advanced

Here are 10 advanced complex sentences with the active and passive voice highlighted at the end of each sentence.

  1. Active: The committee members, after much deliberation, decided to postpone the meeting until further notice. (Active)

    • Passive: The meeting was decided to be postponed until further notice by the committee members, after much deliberation. (Passive)
  2. Active: She had completed the project, which was crucial for the company’s success, before the deadline. (Active)

    • Passive: The project, which was crucial for the company’s success, had been completed by her before the deadline. (Passive)
  3. Active: The scientist discovered a new element, which could revolutionize the field of chemistry, during his experiments. (Active)

    • Passive: A new element, which could revolutionize the field of chemistry, was discovered by the scientist during his experiments. (Passive)
  4. Active: The engineer, who had been working tirelessly, finally found a solution to the complex problem. (Active)

    • Passive: A solution to the complex problem was finally found by the engineer, who had been working tirelessly. (Passive)
  5. Active: The board of directors, recognizing the potential risks, decided to invest in the innovative startup. (Active)

    • Passive: The innovative startup was decided to be invested in by the board of directors, recognizing the potential risks. (Passive)
  6. Active: The novelist, who was known for his intricate plots, wrote a best-selling book within a year. (Active)

    • Passive: A best-selling book was written within a year by the novelist, who was known for his intricate plots. (Passive)
  7. Active: The architect designed a sustainable building, which received numerous awards for its eco-friendly features. (Active)

    • Passive: A sustainable building, which received numerous awards for its eco-friendly features, was designed by the architect. (Passive)
  8. Active: The CEO, after consulting with the legal team, implemented new policies to ensure compliance with regulations. (Active)

    • Passive: New policies to ensure compliance with regulations were implemented by the CEO, after consulting with the legal team. (Passive)
  9. Active: The historian, who had spent years researching, uncovered new evidence about the ancient civilization. (Active)

    • Passive: New evidence about the ancient civilization was uncovered by the historian, who had spent years researching. (Passive)
  10. Active: The software developer, aiming to improve user experience, created an innovative application that quickly gained popularity. (Active)

    • Passive: An innovative application that quickly gained popularity was created by the software developer, aiming to improve user experience. (Passive)

Sample quiz in English on Active and Passive Voice - Easy

Here are 10 easy quiz questions on active and passive voice with four answer options each and the correct answer provided after each question.

  1. Question: Which sentence is in the passive voice?

    • a) The dog barks at the stranger.
    • b) The stranger was barked at by the dog.
    • c) The dog is barking at the stranger.
    • d) The dog will bark at the stranger.
    • Answer: b) The stranger was barked at by the dog.
  2. Question: Convert the active sentence to passive: “The chef cooks the meal.”

    • a) The meal was cooked by the chef.
    • b) The meal is cooked by the chef.
    • c) The meal will be cooked by the chef.
    • d) The meal is being cooked by the chef.
    • Answer: b) The meal is cooked by the chef.
  3. Question: Which of the following is an active voice sentence?

    • a) The book is read by the student.
    • b) The student reads the book.
    • c) The book was being read by the student.
    • d) The book will be read by the student.
    • Answer: b) The student reads the book.
  4. Question: Identify the passive voice sentence:

    • a) She completed the assignment.
    • b) The assignment will be completed by her.
    • c) She is completing the assignment.
    • d) She has completed the assignment.
    • Answer: b) The assignment will be completed by her.
  5. Question: Convert the active sentence to passive: “The teacher explains the lesson.”

    • a) The lesson was explained by the teacher.
    • b) The lesson will be explained by the teacher.
    • c) The lesson is explained by the teacher.
    • d) The lesson is being explained by the teacher.
    • Answer: c) The lesson is explained by the teacher.
  6. Question: Which sentence is in the active voice?

    • a) The letter is written by John.
    • b) John writes the letter.
    • c) The letter was written by John.
    • d) The letter will be written by John.
    • Answer: b) John writes the letter.
  7. Question: Identify the active voice sentence:

    • a) The cake was baked by my mother.
    • b) The cake will be baked by my mother.
    • c) My mother bakes the cake.
    • d) The cake is being baked by my mother.
    • Answer: c) My mother bakes the cake.
  8. Question: Convert the active sentence to passive: “The students are writing essays.”

    • a) Essays are being written by the students.
    • b) Essays were written by the students.
    • c) Essays will be written by the students.
    • d) Essays have been written by the students.
    • Answer: a) Essays are being written by the students.
  9. Question: Which sentence is in the passive voice?

    • a) The dog chased the cat.
    • b) The cat was chased by the dog.
    • c) The dog is chasing the cat.
    • d) The cat will chase the dog.
    • Answer: b) The cat was chased by the dog.
  10. Question: Identify the passive voice sentence:

    • a) She sings a song.
    • b) A song was sung by her.
    • c) She is singing a song.
    • d) She will sing a song.
    • Answer: b) A song was sung by her.

Sample quiz in English on Active and Passive Voice - Intermediate

Here are 10 medium difficulty quiz questions on active and passive voice with four answer options each and the correct answer provided after each question.

  1. Question: Convert the active sentence to passive: “The scientist discovered a new element.”

    • a) A new element was discovered by the scientist.
    • b) A new element is discovered by the scientist.
    • c) A new element has been discovered by the scientist.
    • d) A new element will be discovered by the scientist.
    • Answer: a) A new element was discovered by the scientist.
  2. Question: Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

    • a) The children are playing in the park.
    • b) The park was designed by the famous architect.
    • c) The famous architect designs the park.
    • d) The famous architect will design the park.
    • Answer: b) The park was designed by the famous architect.
  3. Question: Convert the active sentence to passive: “The manager will review the reports.”

    • a) The reports are reviewed by the manager.
    • b) The reports were reviewed by the manager.
    • c) The reports will be reviewed by the manager.
    • d) The reports have been reviewed by the manager.
    • Answer: c) The reports will be reviewed by the manager.
  4. Question: Identify the active voice sentence:

    • a) The homework was completed by the student.
    • b) The homework is being completed by the student.
    • c) The student completes the homework.
    • d) The homework will be completed by the student.
    • Answer: c) The student completes the homework.
  5. Question: Convert the active sentence to passive: “The police are investigating the case.”

    • a) The case was investigated by the police.
    • b) The case is being investigated by the police.
    • c) The case has been investigated by the police.
    • d) The case will be investigated by the police.
    • Answer: b) The case is being investigated by the police.
  6. Question: Which sentence is in the active voice?

    • a) The song was composed by the musician.
    • b) The song will be composed by the musician.
    • c) The musician is composing the song.
    • d) The song is being composed by the musician.
    • Answer: c) The musician is composing the song.
  7. Question: Convert the passive sentence to active: “The project was managed by the new team.”

    • a) The new team manages the project.
    • b) The new team managed the project.
    • c) The new team has managed the project.
    • d) The new team will manage the project.
    • Answer: b) The new team managed the project.
  8. Question: Identify the passive voice sentence:

    • a) She has written a novel.
    • b) She is writing a novel.
    • c) A novel is being written by her.
    • d) She writes a novel.
    • Answer: c) A novel is being written by her.
  9. Question: Convert the active sentence to passive: “They have built a new bridge.”

    • a) A new bridge was built by them.
    • b) A new bridge is built by them.
    • c) A new bridge has been built by them.
    • d) A new bridge will be built by them.
    • Answer: c) A new bridge has been built by them.
  10. Question: Which sentence is in the passive voice?

    • a) The artist painted a beautiful mural.
    • b) A beautiful mural was painted by the artist.
    • c) The artist is painting a beautiful mural.
    • d) The artist will paint a beautiful mural.
    • Answer: b) A beautiful mural was painted by the artist.

Sample quiz in English on Active and Passive Voice - Advanced

Here are 10 advanced quiz questions on active and passive voice with four answer options each and the correct answer provided after each question.

  1. Question: Convert the active sentence to passive: “The researchers have published the findings in a renowned journal.”

    • a) The findings are published by the researchers in a renowned journal.
    • b) The findings were published by the researchers in a renowned journal.
    • c) The findings have been published by the researchers in a renowned journal.
    • d) The findings will be published by the researchers in a renowned journal.
    • Answer: c) The findings have been published by the researchers in a renowned journal.
  2. Question: Identify the active voice sentence:

    • a) The new policy will be implemented by the company next month.
    • b) The new policy has been implemented by the company.
    • c) The company will implement the new policy next month.
    • d) The new policy is being implemented by the company.
    • Answer: c) The company will implement the new policy next month.
  3. Question: Convert the passive sentence to active: “The results of the experiment were analyzed by the scientist.”

    • a) The scientist has analyzed the results of the experiment.
    • b) The scientist analyzed the results of the experiment.
    • c) The scientist is analyzing the results of the experiment.
    • d) The scientist will analyze the results of the experiment.
    • Answer: b) The scientist analyzed the results of the experiment.
  4. Question: Which sentence is in the passive voice?

    • a) The committee had reviewed the application thoroughly.
    • b) The application was thoroughly reviewed by the committee.
    • c) The committee thoroughly reviews the application.
    • d) The committee will thoroughly review the application.
    • Answer: b) The application was thoroughly reviewed by the committee.
  5. Question: Convert the active sentence to passive: “The company is launching a new product line next quarter.”

    • a) A new product line is launched by the company next quarter.
    • b) A new product line was launched by the company next quarter.
    • c) A new product line has been launched by the company next quarter.
    • d) A new product line is being launched by the company next quarter.
    • Answer: d) A new product line is being launched by the company next quarter.
  6. Question: Identify the passive voice sentence:

    • a) The CEO has announced the merger.
    • b) The merger will be announced by the CEO.
    • c) The CEO announces the merger.
    • d) The CEO is announcing the merger.
    • Answer: b) The merger will be announced by the CEO.
  7. Question: Convert the passive sentence to active: “The speech had been prepared by the assistant.”

    • a) The assistant has prepared the speech.
    • b) The assistant prepares the speech.
    • c) The assistant had prepared the speech.
    • d) The assistant is preparing the speech.
    • Answer: c) The assistant had prepared the speech.
  8. Question: Which sentence is in the active voice?

    • a) The grant proposal was written by the research team.
    • b) The grant proposal is being written by the research team.
    • c) The research team writes the grant proposal.
    • d) The grant proposal will be written by the research team.
    • Answer: c) The research team writes the grant proposal.
  9. Question: Convert the active sentence to passive: “They had completed the construction of the bridge before the deadline.”

    • a) The construction of the bridge is completed by them before the deadline.
    • b) The construction of the bridge was completed by them before the deadline.
    • c) The construction of the bridge had been completed by them before the deadline.
    • d) The construction of the bridge will be completed by them before the deadline.
    • Answer: c) The construction of the bridge had been completed by them before the deadline.
  10. Question: Identify the active voice sentence:

    • a) The new software update is being tested by the developers.
    • b) The developers had tested the new software update.
    • c) The new software update will be tested by the developers.
    • d) The new software update was tested by the developers.
    • Answer: b) The developers had tested the new software update.