English Grammar Quiz - Active and Passive Voice

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English Grammar - Active and Passive Voice

Table of Contents

Active and Passive Voice in English Grammar


In English grammar, verbs can be used in two voices: active and passive. Understanding the difference between active and passive voice is crucial for advanced learners aiming to master the nuances of the language. This article will delve deeply into both voices, providing comprehensive explanations and numerous examples to aid comprehension.

Active Voice

In the active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed by the verb. Active sentences are direct, clear, and often more engaging. The structure of an active sentence typically follows the pattern: Subject + Verb + Object.

Examples of Active Voice:

  1. Simple Present Tense

    • The chef cooks the meal.
    • Students study grammar.
  2. Present Continuous Tense

    • The teacher is explaining the lesson.
    • They are building a new bridge.
  3. Present Perfect Tense

    • She has written a letter.
    • They have completed the project.
  4. Simple Past Tense

    • The dog chased the cat.
    • He painted the house.
  5. Past Continuous Tense

    • She was reading a book.
    • They were discussing the matter.
  6. Past Perfect Tense

    • They had finished the work.
    • She had solved the problem.

Passive Voice

In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action. Passive sentences can be useful when the focus is on the action itself or when the doer of the action is unknown or irrelevant. The structure of a passive sentence typically follows the pattern: Subject + Auxiliary Verb (be) + Past Participle + (by + Agent).

Examples of Passive Voice:

  1. Simple Present Tense

    • The meal is cooked by the chef.
    • Grammar is studied by students.
  2. Present Continuous Tense

    • The lesson is being explained by the teacher.
    • A new bridge is being built by them.
  3. Present Perfect Tense

    • A letter has been written by her.
    • The project has been completed by them.
  4. Simple Past Tense

    • The cat was chased by the dog.
    • The house was painted by him.
  5. Past Continuous Tense

    • A book was being read by her.
    • The matter was being discussed by them.
  6. Past Perfect Tense

    • The work had been finished by them.
    • The problem had been solved by her.

Detailed Analysis and Examples

Simple Present Tense

  • Active: The manager reviews the report.
  • Passive: The report is reviewed by the manager.

In the active voice, “the manager” is the subject performing the action of reviewing. In the passive voice, “the report” becomes the subject, receiving the action.

Present Continuous Tense

  • Active: The committee is analyzing the data.
  • Passive: The data is being analyzed by the committee.

Here, “the committee” is actively analyzing in the active voice, whereas “the data” is the focus in the passive voice.

Present Perfect Tense

  • Active: They have launched a new product.
  • Passive: A new product has been launched by them.

In the active sentence, “they” are the doers of the action. In the passive sentence, the focus shifts to “a new product.”

Simple Past Tense

  • Active: The scientist discovered a new element.
  • Passive: A new element was discovered by the scientist.

The active sentence emphasizes “the scientist” as the discoverer, while the passive sentence highlights “a new element.”

Past Continuous Tense

  • Active: The team was developing the software.
  • Passive: The software was being developed by the team.

In the active voice, the team is actively engaged in developing. The passive voice shifts the focus to the software being developed.

Past Perfect Tense

  • Active: The artist had completed the painting.
  • Passive: The painting had been completed by the artist.

The active voice centers on “the artist” as the completer of the action, whereas the passive voice highlights “the painting.”


Transforming Active Voice to Passive Voice

Transforming sentences from active to passive voice involves a few key steps:

  1. Identify the subject, verb, and object in the active sentence.
  2. Make the object of the active sentence the subject of the passive sentence.
  3. Use the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb (to be) followed by the past participle of the main verb.
  4. Include the original subject (the agent) in a prepositional phrase with “by” (if necessary).

Example Transformation:

  • Active: The engineer designs the system.

    • Subject: The engineer
    • Verb: designs
    • Object: the system
  • Passive: The system is designed by the engineer.


Use of Passive Voice

While the active voice is generally preferred for its clarity and directness, the passive voice is useful in various contexts:

  1. Emphasizing the action rather than the doer.

    • Active: The team won the championship.
    • Passive: The championship was won by the team.
  2. When the doer is unknown or irrelevant.

    • Active: Someone stole my wallet.
    • Passive: My wallet was stolen.
  3. Formal or scientific writing where the focus is on processes or results.

    • Active: Researchers conducted the experiment.
    • Passive: The experiment was conducted by researchers.
  4. Avoiding blame or responsibility.

    • Active: The error caused a delay.
    • Passive: A delay was caused by the error.

Advanced Examples and Nuances

Passive Voice in Different Tenses

  1. Future Simple Tense

    • Active: They will announce the results.
    • Passive: The results will be announced by them.
  2. Future Perfect Tense

    • Active: She will have finished the assignment.
    • Passive: The assignment will have been finished by her.
  3. Modal Verbs

    • Active: You must complete the form.
    • Passive: The form must be completed by you.
    • Active: They can solve the problem.
    • Passive: The problem can be solved by them.

Passive Voice with Infinitives and Gerunds

  1. Infinitive Forms

    • Active: They need to repair the machine.
    • Passive: The machine needs to be repaired by them.
  2. Gerund Forms

    • Active: They enjoy watching movies.
    • Passive: Watching movies is enjoyed by them.


Mastering the active and passive voices is essential for advanced English learners. The active voice is often more direct and vigorous, while the passive voice can be useful for emphasizing actions, de-emphasizing the doer, or achieving a formal tone. Understanding how to transform active sentences into passive ones and recognizing the appropriate contexts for each voice will enhance your command of English grammar. By practicing with various examples and tenses, you can develop a nuanced understanding of both voices, enabling more precise and effective communication.

Easy Sentences with Active and Passive Voice Highlighted

  1. Active: The cat chased the mouse. (Active)

  2. Passive: The mouse was chased by the cat. (Passive)

  3. Active: The teacher explains the lesson. (Active)

  4. Passive: The lesson is explained by the teacher. (Passive)

  5. Active: The chef is cooking dinner. (Active)

  6. Passive: Dinner is being cooked by the chef. (Passive)

  7. Active: They completed the project. (Active)

  8. Passive: The project was completed by them. (Passive)

  9. Active: She writes a letter. (Active)

  10. Passive: A letter is written by her. (Passive)

  11. Active: The gardener waters the plants. (Active)

  12. Passive: The plants are watered by the gardener. (Passive)

  13. Active: The mechanic repaired the car. (Active)

  14. Passive: The car was repaired by the mechanic. (Passive)

  15. Active: The company launched a new product. (Active)

  16. Passive: A new product was launched by the company. (Passive)

  17. Active: The dog bit the stranger. (Active)

  18. Passive: The stranger was bitten by the dog. (Passive)

  19. Active: She will open the door. (Active)

  20. Passive: The door will be opened by her. (Passive)


Advanced Sentences with Active and Passive Voice Highlighted

  • Active: The committee members, after much deliberation, approved the new policy that had been under review for months. (Active)

  • Passive: The new policy that had been under review for months was approved by the committee members after much deliberation. (Passive)

  • Active: The scientists, who were conducting groundbreaking research, discovered a previously unknown particle that could change our understanding of physics. (Active)

  • Passive: A previously unknown particle that could change our understanding of physics was discovered by the scientists, who were conducting groundbreaking research. (Passive)

  • Active: The architect, known for her innovative designs, presented a proposal for a sustainable building that would reduce energy consumption significantly. (Active)

  • Passive: A proposal for a sustainable building that would reduce energy consumption significantly was presented by the architect, known for her innovative designs. (Passive)

  • Active: The journalist, after investigating the case thoroughly, wrote an article that exposed the corruption within the organization. (Active)

  • Passive: An article that exposed the corruption within the organization was written by the journalist after investigating the case thoroughly. (Passive)

  • Active: The IT department, having identified the security breach, implemented new protocols to prevent future cyber attacks. (Active)

  • Passive: New protocols to prevent future cyber attacks were implemented by the IT department after identifying the security breach. (Passive)

  • Active: The famous author, whose novels have been translated into multiple languages, delivered a keynote speech at the international literary festival. (Active)

  • Passive: A keynote speech at the international literary festival was delivered by the famous author, whose novels have been translated into multiple languages. (Passive)

  • Active: The director, impressed by the actor’s performance, decided to cast him in the lead role of the upcoming blockbuster. (Active)

  • Passive: The actor was cast in the lead role of the upcoming blockbuster by the director, who was impressed by his performance. (Passive)

  • Active: The team, after months of rigorous testing, developed a new software that promises to revolutionize the industry. (Active)

  • Passive: A new software that promises to revolutionize the industry was developed by the team after months of rigorous testing. (Passive)

  • Active: The environmental activists, motivated by the urgent need for action, organized a global campaign to raise awareness about climate change. (Active)

  • Passive: A global campaign to raise awareness about climate change was organized by the environmental activists, motivated by the urgent need for action. (Passive)

  • Active: The musician, inspired by his travels around the world, composed a symphony that incorporates elements of various cultures. (Active)

  • Passive: A symphony that incorporates elements of various cultures was composed by the musician, inspired by his travels around the world. (Passive)

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Active and Passive Voice - EASY

Quiz Questions on Active and Passive Voice

  1. Question: Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

    • a) The chef cooks dinner every night.
    • b) The dog chased the cat.
    • c) The book was read by the teacher.
    • d) She writes letters regularly.

    Answer: c) The book was read by the teacher.

  2. Question: Identify the active voice sentence:

    • a) The car was repaired by the mechanic.
    • b) The flowers were watered by the gardener.
    • c) The manager approves the report.
    • d) The meeting was scheduled by the coordinator.

    Answer: c) The manager approves the report.

  3. Question: Choose the passive voice sentence:

    • a) They will finish the project by next week.
    • b) The project will be finished by next week.
    • c) She is baking a cake.
    • d) The teacher is grading papers.

    Answer: b) The project will be finished by next week.

  4. Question: Which sentence is in the active voice?

    • a) The results were announced by the principal.
    • b) The homework is done by the student.
    • c) The cat sleeps on the mat.
    • d) The window was broken by the ball.

    Answer: c) The cat sleeps on the mat.

  5. Question: Convert to passive voice: “She sings a song.”

    • a) A song was sung by her.
    • b) A song is sung by her.
    • c) A song will be sung by her.
    • d) A song has been sung by her.

    Answer: b) A song is sung by her.

  6. Question: Identify the sentence in the passive voice:

    • a) The children are playing in the park.
    • b) The park was cleaned by volunteers.
    • c) They are visiting their grandparents.
    • d) He solved the puzzle.

    Answer: b) The park was cleaned by volunteers.

  7. Question: Which of the following is in the active voice?

    • a) The letter was written by him.
    • b) The cake was eaten by them.
    • c) The dog barks at strangers.
    • d) The door was locked by the guard.

    Answer: c) The dog barks at strangers.

  8. Question: Choose the passive voice sentence:

    • a) She will attend the meeting.
    • b) The meeting will be attended by her.
    • c) He is reading a book.
    • d) They completed the assignment.

    Answer: b) The meeting will be attended by her.

  9. Question: Which sentence is in the active voice?

    • a) The movie was directed by a famous filmmaker.
    • b) The song is being sung by a talented artist.
    • c) The teacher explains the concept.
    • d) The report was written by the student.

    Answer: c) The teacher explains the concept.

  10. Question: Convert to passive voice: “The scientist discovered a new element.”

    • a) A new element was being discovered by the scientist.
    • b) A new element has been discovered by the scientist.
    • c) A new element was discovered by the scientist.
    • d) A new element is discovered by the scientist.

    Answer: c) A new element was discovered by the scientist.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Active and Passive Voice - MEDIUM

Medium Difficulty Quiz on Active and Passive Voice

  1. Question: Identify the passive voice sentence:

    • a) The artist painted a beautiful mural.
    • b) A beautiful mural was painted by the artist.
    • c) The artist is painting a beautiful mural.
    • d) A beautiful mural is being painted by the artist.

    Answer: b) A beautiful mural was painted by the artist.

  2. Question: Convert to passive voice: “The children will decorate the classroom.”

    • a) The classroom was decorated by the children.
    • b) The classroom is decorated by the children.
    • c) The classroom will be decorated by the children.
    • d) The classroom is being decorated by the children.

    Answer: c) The classroom will be decorated by the children.

  3. Question: Choose the active voice sentence:

    • a) The documents were reviewed by the manager.
    • b) The documents are being reviewed by the manager.
    • c) The manager reviews the documents.
    • d) The documents will be reviewed by the manager.

    Answer: c) The manager reviews the documents.

  4. Question: Convert to passive voice: “They have completed the project.”

    • a) The project is completed by them.
    • b) The project has been completed by them.
    • c) The project was completed by them.
    • d) The project will be completed by them.

    Answer: b) The project has been completed by them.

  5. Question: Identify the active voice sentence:

    • a) The song has been sung by the choir.
    • b) The song is sung by the choir.
    • c) The choir sings the song.
    • d) The song was sung by the choir.

    Answer: c) The choir sings the song.

  6. Question: Convert to passive voice: “The chef is preparing a special dish.”

    • a) A special dish is prepared by the chef.
    • b) A special dish has been prepared by the chef.
    • c) A special dish will be prepared by the chef.
    • d) A special dish is being prepared by the chef.

    Answer: d) A special dish is being prepared by the chef.

  7. Question: Choose the passive voice sentence:

    • a) The government will implement new policies.
    • b) New policies will be implemented by the government.
    • c) The government is implementing new policies.
    • d) New policies are implemented by the government.

    Answer: b) New policies will be implemented by the government.

  8. Question: Identify the passive voice sentence:

    • a) The teacher had explained the lesson.
    • b) The lesson had been explained by the teacher.
    • c) The teacher is explaining the lesson.
    • d) The lesson is being explained by the teacher.

    Answer: b) The lesson had been explained by the teacher.

  9. Question: Convert to passive voice: “They are going to build a new hospital.”

    • a) A new hospital is going to be built by them.
    • b) A new hospital is being built by them.
    • c) A new hospital has been built by them.
    • d) A new hospital will be built by them.

    Answer: a) A new hospital is going to be built by them.

  10. Question: Choose the active voice sentence:

    • a) The car is being washed by the boy.
    • b) The boy washes the car.
    • c) The car was washed by the boy.
    • d) The car has been washed by the boy.

    Answer: b) The boy washes the car.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Active and Passive Voice - ADVANCED

Advanced Quiz on Active and Passive Voice

  1. Question: Convert to passive voice: “The board will have approved the budget by the end of the meeting.”

    • a) The budget was approved by the board by the end of the meeting.
    • b) The budget is approved by the board by the end of the meeting.
    • c) The budget will have been approved by the board by the end of the meeting.
    • d) The budget has been approved by the board by the end of the meeting.

    Answer: c) The budget will have been approved by the board by the end of the meeting.

  2. Question: Identify the sentence in passive voice:

    • a) They should have completed the assignment by now.
    • b) The assignment should have been completed by now.
    • c) They should complete the assignment by now.
    • d) The assignment should be completed by now.

    Answer: b) The assignment should have been completed by now.

  3. Question: Convert to active voice: “The findings of the study were published in a renowned journal.”

    • a) The renowned journal publishes the findings of the study.
    • b) The study published the findings in a renowned journal.
    • c) A renowned journal published the findings of the study.
    • d) The findings of the study were being published in a renowned journal.

    Answer: c) A renowned journal published the findings of the study.

  4. Question: Choose the correct passive form: “The workers are installing the new software on all computers.”

    • a) The new software has been installed on all computers by the workers.
    • b) The new software will be installed on all computers by the workers.
    • c) The new software is being installed on all computers by the workers.
    • d) The new software was being installed on all computers by the workers.

    Answer: c) The new software is being installed on all computers by the workers.

  5. Question: Convert to passive voice: “Someone had left the documents on the table.”

    • a) The documents are left on the table.
    • b) The documents were left on the table.
    • c) The documents had been left on the table.
    • d) The documents have been left on the table.

    Answer: c) The documents had been left on the table.

  6. Question: Identify the passive voice sentence:

    • a) The committee has reviewed the applications.
    • b) The applications are being reviewed by the committee.
    • c) The committee reviews the applications.
    • d) The applications will be reviewed by the committee.

    Answer: b) The applications are being reviewed by the committee.

  7. Question: Convert to active voice: “A detailed report is required to be submitted by all employees.”

    • a) All employees require a detailed report to be submitted.
    • b) All employees are required to submit a detailed report.
    • c) All employees required to submit a detailed report.
    • d) All employees have required a detailed report to be submitted.

    Answer: b) All employees are required to submit a detailed report.

  8. Question: Choose the passive voice sentence:

    • a) The team might have finished the project ahead of schedule.
    • b) The project might have been finished ahead of schedule by the team.
    • c) The team finishes the project ahead of schedule.
    • d) The project will be finished ahead of schedule by the team.

    Answer: b) The project might have been finished ahead of schedule by the team.

  9. Question: Convert to active voice: “The new policy has been criticized by several experts.”

    • a) Several experts criticize the new policy.
    • b) Several experts have criticized the new policy.
    • c) Several experts are criticizing the new policy.
    • d) Several experts will criticize the new policy.

    Answer: b) Several experts have criticized the new policy.

  10. Question: Identify the sentence in passive voice:

    • a) The author will write the sequel next year.
    • b) The publisher is printing the new edition.
    • c) The manuscript has been edited by the proofreader.
    • d) The editor reviews the submitted articles.

    Answer: c) The manuscript has been edited by the proofreader.