English Grammar - Adjectives

Table of Contents

Adjectives in English Grammar: A Comprehensive Guide for Learners

Introduction to Adjectives

Adjectives are essential components of English grammar that modify or describe nouns and pronouns, providing additional information about their qualities, characteristics, or attributes. They enrich language by adding detail and specificity to the subjects they refer to. This guide aims to delve into the various types of adjectives, their usage, and examples suitable for advanced English learners from India.

Types of Adjectives

  • Descriptive Adjectives: These adjectives describe the qualities of nouns or pronouns.

    • Example: beautiful scenery, intelligent student, tall building.
  • Quantitative Adjectives: These adjectives indicate the quantity or amount of the noun they modify.

    • Example: few friends, many opportunities, several books.
  • Demonstrative Adjectives: These adjectives point out specific nouns or pronouns.

    • Example: this book, that house, these flowers, those people.
  • Possessive Adjectives: These adjectives show possession or ownership.

    • Example: my car, your house, his jacket, our team.
  • Interrogative Adjectives: These adjectives are used to ask questions about nouns.

    • Example: which book, what time, whose bag.
  • Distributive Adjectives: These adjectives refer to members of a group individually.

    • Example: each student, every child, either option.
  • Indefinite Adjectives: These adjectives refer to nonspecific nouns.

    • Example: some people, any reason, several options.
  • Numeral Adjectives: These adjectives indicate the exact number or order of nouns.

    • Example: first place, third chapter, seven days.

Usage and Placement of Adjectives

  • Adjectives generally precede the noun they modify in English. However, they can also follow linking verbs such as “be,” “seem,” “appear,” etc.

    • Example: She is intelligent. The dress looks beautiful.
  • Adjectives can be used in comparative and superlative forms to compare nouns.

    • Example: Comparative (taller, more beautiful) and superlative (tallest, most beautiful) forms are used for comparisons.

Common Adjective Patterns

  • Adjective + Noun: green apple, warm sunshine.
  • Noun + Adjective: mountain high, person wise.
  • Adjective + and + Adjective: tall and slender trees.

Advanced Concepts in Adjectives

  • Gradable and Non-gradable Adjectives: Some adjectives can express varying degrees (very hot, rather cold), while others do not (unique, absolute).
  • Attributive and Predicative Adjectives: Adjectives placed directly before a noun are attributive (a red car), while those used after linking verbs are predicative (the car is red).


Mastering adjectives enhances fluency and precision in English communication. Advanced learners should practice using adjectives in various contexts to improve their linguistic dexterity. Understanding the nuances of different types of adjectives allows for more articulate and expressive language use.

This guide serves as a foundational resource for advanced learners, setting the stage for further exploration into intermediate and beginner topics in English grammar.


Sample Sentences with Adjectives (Highlighted)

Here are 10 easy sentences with highlighted adjectives:

  1. She has beautiful flowers in her garden.
  2. The big dog barked loudly at the stranger.
  3. He is a smart student who always gets good grades.
  4. We enjoyed a delicious meal at the new restaurant.
  5. The tall building overlooks the entire city.
  6. They live in a cozy little cottage by the lake.
  7. It was a cold winter morning with frost on the ground.
  8. She wore a bright yellow dress to the party.
  9. The friendly cat rubbed against my leg affectionately.
  10. He gave her an expensive gift for her birthday.

In each sentence, the highlighted words (beautiful, big, smart, delicious, tall, cozy, cold, bright, friendly, expensive) are adjectives that describe or modify the nouns (flowers, dog, student, meal, building, cottage, morning, dress, cat, gift) they precede. These adjectives add detail and description to the nouns, enhancing the meaning of each sentence.

Sample complex sentences with adjectives highlighted

Here are 10 complex sentences with multiple highlighted adjectives:

  1. The ancient, mysterious ruins in the jungle have fascinated archaeologists for decades.
  2. She wore a stunning, elegant gown to the gala, catching everyone’s attention.
  3. The old, rustic farmhouse stood proudly amidst the rolling hills.
  4. He spoke in a confident, authoritative voice during the presentation.
  5. They admired the majestic, snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas from their campsite.
  6. The intricate, handcrafted jewelry sparkled in the shop window.
  7. It was a challenging, exhausting journey through the dense forest.
  8. The vibrant, colorful paintings on display captivated art enthusiasts.
  9. She felt a profound, overwhelming sense of gratitude towards her mentors.
  10. The serene, tranquil lake reflected the evening sky beautifully.

In these sentences, the highlighted adjectives (ancient, mysterious, stunning, elegant, old, rustic, confident, authoritative, majestic, snow-capped, intricate, handcrafted, challenging, exhausting, vibrant, colorful, profound, overwhelming, serene, tranquil) are used to provide detailed descriptions and enhance the imagery in each sentence. They combine to create richer, more nuanced descriptions of the nouns they modify.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Adjectives - Easy

Here’s an easy quiz on adjectives for you:

Quiz on Adjectives

  1. Fill in the blank: She bought a ___________ dress for the party.

    • A) beautiful
    • B) run
    • C) quickly
    • D) jump
    • Correct Answer: A) beautiful
  2. True or False: Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns.

    • A) True
    • B) False
    • Correct Answer: A) True
  3. Which of these is a possessive adjective?

    • A) large
    • B) my
    • C) many
    • D) this
    • Correct Answer: B) my
  4. Choose the comparative form of the adjective ‘tall’.

    • A) tallier
    • B) tallness
    • C) taller
    • D) tall
    • Correct Answer: C) taller
  5. Fill in the blank: They live in a ___________ house by the beach.

    • A) slowly
    • B) fast
    • C) small
    • D) run
    • Correct Answer: C) small
  6. True or False: Demonstrative adjectives point out specific nouns.

    • A) True
    • B) False
    • Correct Answer: A) True
  7. Which adjective best describes the noun ‘mountain’ in the sentence ‘The mountain is high’?

    • A) slowly
    • B) high
    • C) quickly
    • D) run
    • Correct Answer: B) high
  8. Fill in the blank: He received an ___________ gift for his birthday.

    • A) beautifully
    • B) expensive
    • C) run
    • D) jump
    • Correct Answer: B) expensive
  9. Choose the correct interrogative adjective: ‘______ book do you want to read?’

    • A) What
    • B) Where
    • C) How
    • D) Quickly
    • Correct Answer: A) What
  10. True or False: Adjectives can follow linking verbs like ‘be’ and ‘seem’.

    • A) True
    • B) False
    • Correct Answer: A) True

This quiz covers different types of questions including fill in the blanks, true or false, and multiple choice, testing various aspects of adjectives. Let me know if you’d like more quizzes or explanations on any of the questions!

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Adjectives - Intermediate

Here’s a medium difficulty quiz on adjectives:

Medium Difficulty Quiz on Adjectives

  1. Fill in the blank: She found a ___________ solution to the problem.

    • A) quickly
    • B) fast
    • C) creative
    • D) jump
    • Correct Answer: C) creative
  2. True or False: Distributive adjectives refer to specific nouns.

    • A) True
    • B) False
    • Correct Answer: A) True
  3. Which of these is an indefinite adjective?

    • A) those
    • B) many
    • C) each
    • D) this
    • Correct Answer: B) many
  4. Choose the superlative form of the adjective ‘good’.

    • A) gooder
    • B) goodest
    • C) better
    • D) best
    • Correct Answer: D) best
  5. Fill in the blank: The ___________ bird sang beautifully in the tree.

    • A) blue
    • B) quickly
    • C) ran
    • D) bright
    • Correct Answer: A) blue
  6. True or False: Possessive adjectives indicate quantity or amount.

    • A) True
    • B) False
    • Correct Answer: B) False
  7. Which adjective best describes the noun ‘music’ in the sentence ‘The music was soothing’?

    • A) soothing
    • B) happily
    • C) quickly
    • D) ran
    • Correct Answer: A) soothing
  8. Fill in the blank: He looked ___________ after winning the race.

    • A) tiredly
    • B) tired
    • C) run
    • D) jumped
    • Correct Answer: B) tired
  9. Choose the correct demonstrative adjective: ‘______ dress do you prefer?’

    • A) These
    • B) Those
    • C) Many
    • D) Quickly
    • Correct Answer: B) Those
  10. True or False: Comparative adjectives are used to compare two things.

    • A) True
    • B) False
    • Correct Answer: A) True

This quiz includes medium difficulty questions that cover various types of adjectives and their usage. If you have any questions or need further explanation on any topic, do write to us.

Sample Quiz on English Grammar - Adjectives - Advanced

Here’s an advanced quiz on adjectives designed to challenge learners:

Advanced Quiz on Adjectives

  1. Fill in the blank with the correct adjective: The ___________ proposal was unanimously accepted by the committee.

    • A) unique
    • B) quickly
    • C) run
    • D) happy
    • Correct Answer: A) unique
  2. True or False: Non-gradable adjectives can express varying degrees.

    • A) True
    • B) False
    • Correct Answer: B) False
  3. Which of these is an example of an attributive adjective?

    • A) The sky was blue.
    • B) She spoke confidently.
    • C) It seemed impossible.
    • D) His car is expensive.
    • Correct Answer: A) The sky was blue.
  4. Choose the correct superlative form of the adjective ‘intelligent’.

    • A) more intelligent
    • B) intelligenter
    • C) most intelligent
    • D) intelligently
    • Correct Answer: C) most intelligent
  5. Fill in the blank: He gave a ___________ speech at the conference.

    • A) good
    • B) fast
    • C) eloquent
    • D) jump
    • Correct Answer: C) eloquent
  6. True or False: Interrogative adjectives are used to indicate possession.

    • A) True
    • B) False
    • Correct Answer: B) False
  7. Which adjective best describes the noun ‘mountain’ in the sentence ‘The mountain stood imposingly against the horizon’?

    • A) imposingly
    • B) high
    • C) run
    • D) large
    • Correct Answer: B) high
  8. Fill in the blank with the correct adjective: She was ___________ after completing the marathon.

    • A) tireder
    • B) tired
    • C) run
    • D) jumped
    • Correct Answer: B) tired
  9. Choose the correct demonstrative adjective: ‘______ book are you reading?’

    • A) These
    • B) Those
    • C) Many
    • D) Quickly
    • Correct Answer: A) These
  10. True or False: Predicative adjectives are always placed before the noun they modify.

    • A) True
    • B) False
    • Correct Answer: B) False

This advanced quiz includes challenging questions that require a good understanding of different types of adjectives and their usage in English grammar. If you have any questions or need further explanation on any topic, do write to us.